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"Okay so sophie will stay here performing the spell. Rebekah you'll stay here with Hayley and Sophie just in case." She groans and he continues.
"Me and Elijah will go to the church and get Davina. Caroline you'll do whatever you do and distract Marcel. Kol you'll watch after Caroline and make sure she's safe." We all nod.
I flash upstairs and get ready.

I curl my hair and find a stretchy orange dress

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I curl my hair and find a stretchy orange dress. Then i pull on some purple heels. I looked so cute. After i do some make-up i head downstairs.

I smile as i walk down the stairs and everybody's eye's turn to me. Klaus looks me up and down and i blush.
"Are we ready." I ask knowing what i was doing to him.
He looks up at my eyes.
"Klaus are we ready." i say again.
"Oh.... um yeah kol and you should leave first. Marcel is at a club on Bourbon St."
"Okay well I'll see you later." I say smiling as i walk out the door.
Before i left Sophie had done a spell on me to make no one hear the heart beats for safety.

Sophies pov

Klaus and Elijah stare at me as i finish the spell knocking Davina out. She was very powerful i could feel it but she also let off something else. An emotion.... loneliness.
As soon as i finsh i look up at Klaus and say.
"Its done." Him and Elijah flash away and im left with Hayley and Rebekah.

Carolines pov

I walk in to the club and people dance to the beat of the music. Kol was gonna hang back for a while so it didn't look suspicious.
I walk up to the bar and order a water.
"Thank you." I say handing the women a 5.
"And who might you be." I look up at the light skinned man.
"Whose asking." He eyes me suspiciously then laughs.
"I remember you you're the girl that threw water at Klaus. Now that made my week. But i wasn't expecting you still be standing." I giggle at the memory.
"I'm very charming. He on the other hand can use some tips." He laughs and i see kol walk in.
"Im Marcel." I act impressed.
"Caroline. I've heard your name around. You own this town. Your the so called king."
"Yes i am." He laughs out.
"Im intrigued." He smiles.
"So.... what brings you to New Orleans."
"Um... family." He smiles.
"Well would you like me to buy you a drink."
"Im fine actually. I still have a hangover from yesterday. Only water for me." He laughs.
"Here follow me." I nod as he takes my hand and leads me to the karaoke stage.
I smile brightly oh this was gonna make my week.
He walk up the stairs and requests a song.
The song starts and i instantly recognize i as "How You Like Me Now."
I smile as he dances around. He didn't seem that bad.

Meanwhile klaus pov.

We reach the church pretty quickly. As soon as we walk in were met by 2 of marcels men. We snap their necks in one twist.
"What's with all of this." Another man says walking out from a room i rip his heart out and throw it.
We find a pair of stairs and begin to walk up them.
We search all the rooms but one. I walk up to the last one and see a small girl on the floor. She looks hurt so i run up to her and feed her some of my blood.
"She's just a girl and he keeps her locked up in this room." Elijah practically growls.
"He knows she's young and vulnerable. He used that to get her to go against her own kind." I say picking her up and we begin to walk out of the room.

We make it to the road right outside but something was off. It was awfully quite. In an instant were surrounded by 20 of marcels men and 2 witches give us anuerisms.
I scream out in pain.
I gently lay down Davina.
She wakes up and looks at us getting anuerisms but passes out agian.
One of them dials a number.
"Marcel we found klaus trying to take Davina. Guess he's not on our side." He says to him i growl.

Carolines pov

Marcel walks away on the phone and comes back.
"I have to go now. But I had a great time." I Smile but my stomach twists in pain.
"Me too."
"Bye." With that he leaves. I let out a little yelp. My head feels with pain. Kol appears beside me.
"Are you okay." I look up at him and breath out.
"Klaus. There's something wrong." He grabs his phone and calls rebekah telling her to meet him at the church.
He grabs my hand and we zoom away.

Playlist: War of hearts Ruelle

We go to enter the church but we instantly see a group of people cheering. In the middle i can see a small limb body. That must be Davina. Then i see the scariest thing in my life. Chains pull on klaus' hands as marcel whips him over and over agian. Elijah lays on the ground 4 daggers throughout his body. Tears form in my eyes but quickly get replaced with anger. He screams out in pain. As Marcel laughs.
Anger boils through out me.
"Caroline your eyes they're yellow agian." He whispers. I look up at him and yelp as my body bends.
"Caroline you need to calm down." He says holding my shoulders.
"I can't." I growl.

Next thing i know im hunged over and im no longer a human or vampire. Im a werewolf. I have bright white fur. Kols eyes widen.
But i don't focus on that. My ears instantly go up. I hear his screams and i run in his direction. I rip 5 people to shreds in seconds. I hated killing but for him i would kill anybody.
Kol joins me in the killings. The witches chant weakening me but i keep going. Marcel stands there in shock. Rebekah comes and rips the witches heads off.
Klaus lays limb along with Elijah and Davina.
We kill and kill.
Then the last body hits the cement.

Marcel stand there in shock

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Marcel stand there in shock. He goes to grab Davina but i bite his leg. He falls crying out in pain.
I walk over to Klaus and nudge him. I had complete control over myself. I've never seen this before not even in Klaus.
Then that's when my adrenaline went away and i did lose control. I looked up at rebekah and kol. They backed up. With all my strength i turned and ran for the woods as fast as i could.

Klaus pov

I woke up in my bed. Instantly i thought of Caroline i needed to find her.
I run through the woods. I look everywhere for her and can't see her anywhere. Then I hear the quietest little groan. I flash in the direction and see Caroline sleeping. I take my jacket off and wrap it around her. She slowly wakes up her eyes were bright yellow but they slowly faded back to the beautiful blue color i loved.
"Hello love." I whisper she smiles.

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