will i live

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It had been a week and I was loving Clair more and more every day.
We all sat in the living room. Clair sent me a text and I burst out laughing.
"Why not talk to each other instead of texting," Klaus says throwing his book down.
"We wouldn't want to bother you."
"Well love you've already done that. What did she say." I blush.
They all stare intently at me. I looked at her and she nodded as if saying it was okay.
"Well, she first told me she would um.... sleep with Rebekah." Kol burst out laughing and Rebekah went red as a tomato.
"Then she asked if I ever did anything with a girl." Klaus leans forward interested.
"Have you." He says seductively.
"Oh yeah because I like girls Klaus." I scoff nervously.
"She so has," Kol calls out.
They all start arguing.
"Fine. I may have kissed Bonnie once when we were in 8th grade." Kol falls out of his seat.
"The Bennett witch I forgot about her. She was a tasty little snack." I gag.
"Why am I friends with you again."
"Because..... it would be impossible to resist me." I scoff as I try to stand up.
"Okay kol tell yourself that." I fall back defeated.
"Please help me up." Klaus smile as he pulls me up.
"Anyways hows raising Julian." Rebekah's face lights up. Klaus holds my waist and slowly pulls away.
"It's amazing. He's so-." I yelp in pain. Klaus spins and grabs me.
"Are you okay." I smile.
"Yeah, I'm fineeeee." I bend over as water falls down my pants.
"I have a theory her water broke," Kol calls out. Elijah grabs the keys and we all file into two separate suvs.
Me, klaus, and Elijah in one.
And Rebekah, Julian, Kol, and Clair in the other. We all drove to the hospital where sophie was waiting along with a whole crew of compelled doctors. Who were supposed to ignore all things that cant be scientifically explained?
"Klaus." I cry out as another contraction passes.
"Im right here." He says in the second row of seats with me.
I squeeze his hand and break a few bones.
"Easy love breath."
I start laughing.
"Were gonna be parents. The big bad hybrids gonna be a daddy." He smirks at my laughter.
The laughter distracts me for a little while.

We pull into the hospital. Instantly I am met by Sophie and a nurse who sit me in a wheelchair. Klaus holds my hand as they wheel me in and the rest of the family follows.

I lay in the bed as everybody stands in the room.
"I love all of you but you don't all need to be in here," I say smiling. Rebekah nods.
"I agree ill stay with her," she says. Everybody starts arguing and I get extremely annoyed.
"KLAUS will stay in here. For god's sake, he is the father." Rebekah rolls her eyes as she touches my hand and smiles before walking out of the room.
"Thank you, Caroline." I look at him confused.
"For what."
"Just for everything." Just then he starts screaming as he falls to the floor.
"Klaus, Klaus whats wrong." I try to stand but fall on my knees. I scream as my knees fill with pain. I shake off the pain as I crawl to him and grab his head.
He looks up at me.
"Its gonna be okay," I whisper. I hear people banging on the door. It busts open and Rebekah stands there.
"You need to get Clair to take Julian out of here. I think there's someone trying to get to me."  I say and Klaus finally stops yelling. My heart stops beating as fast as it was a few seconds ago.
"Okay ill be back." She calls out. Elijah and Kol walk in to watch over me.
I hear a whoosh and Rebekah appears.
"I told her to take him to the furthest hotel she can find." I nod.
"Klaus are you okay." He looks up and holds me.
"No are you okay. Your all that matters to me."
"I'm fine," I whisper as he helps me up.
"Not for long honey." A woman says from the room door.
We all turn to her.
"What do you want," I growl.
"Those babies arnt gonna make it and neither will you if don't let me help. I gave Klaus an aneurysm because I thought he was a threat towards you." I eye her as Sophie walks in.
"Sophie do you trust her," I ask her with Klaus' hand in my hand.
"I do but if she tries anything I will kill her in a heartbeat. I have 9 other witches coming." I start to shake my head and his grip tightens.
"Why what's wrong with my babies." He moves his hand from my hand to my waist.
Another contraction comes and I scream out in pain. This couldn't be normal. He grabs me from falling.
I look up and he grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes.
"Love you need to breathe you cannot turn right now. Calm down." I look back at his eyes and my breaths slowly even out.
I sit on the bed and tears fall from my eyes.
"Caroline its gonna be okay," Rebekah whispers.
"No, it's not. Hayley died there's a big chance I will too." I cry out burying my face into my hands.
"You will not okay. I won't let it happen." Klaus says grabbing my hands.
"I- aghhhhh," I scream as another contraction comes.
"We cleared the whole maternity wing. No one will hear her." The witch says from the door.
"Why is she in this much pain," Kol yells at her.
She walks to my side slowly as if asking permission. She loweres her hand trying to touch my stomach and klaus grabs her wrist.
"Hurt her or those babies and I will kill you." She knods and lightly touches me. A smile spreads across her face.
"What is it," Elijah says stepping forward.
"The babies they're sucking all the energy out of Caroline."
"And how is that a good thing," Rebekah growls.
Sophie steps forward and talks.
"The babies are trying to get as much power out of Caroline..... the babies are witches."

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