graduation night

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I wake up and rub my neck. Who the hell vervained me. I look around and it's very dark. I see a little light coming from an opening in a stone door. Damnit I was in a cell.
"Stefan get me out of here NOW," I yelled.
His face appears.
"Sorry care we couldn't have you ruining the plan." He explains as he unlocks the door and opens it.
"Blood." I groan. He throws me a bag and I thank him before devouring it

It was emotional when me and Bonnie saw Elena for the first time with her humanity back on. We cried and she told me everything that happened. I was so happy to have her back.

1 week later

It was scary something terrible was happening we never get wind like this. I decided to call my mom in the back room. But a dark figure rushed up to me and told me to keep cutting and to not stop. I don't remember anything after that until Rebekah smacked me in the face.
"Bitch." I growl out.
"There's the Caroline I know and loathe." She says exhaling.

Rebekah and Matt left and I see Stefan walk into the mystic grill.
"Good your here," I call out as I carry to glasses and a bottle of bourbon over to him. I continue talking as I sit down.
"We need to celebrate."
"Yeah, I'm not really in the mode to uh.... celebrate." He says depressingly.
"What's wrong with you... Silas is dead or whatever and you're just sitting here like a bump on a log." I say scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion.
"There was someone that I thought I would see today. And uh... I didn't. That's all." I stare at him sadly.
"You better mean me." A voice calls out from behind him. I look up at her and smile.
"You got to be kidding me." Stefan breathes out as he turns in his chair. He stands up and they both smile at each other then hug.
She looks at me and says,
"Thank you for keeping an eye on this one." I smile at her.

A couple days later:

"Oh my god. Oh my god, it's graduation day. We did it." I squeal.
"Yes Caroline we made it but the veil is still down. What are we gonna do." Bonnie says sadly.
"We're gonna go to our graduation and for an hour were gonna ignore all this other side stuff. We defeated Silas. Today is about us. Can you do that." I ask her smiling.
She smiles and hugs me.
"I'll try." She whispers.
Just then my phone starts to ring.
"I'll be in the car. Take your time." She whispers before leaving. It was an unknown phone number.
"Hello," I ask.
"Caroline it's me Tyler." I gasp.
"Tyler. I've missed you so much why'd you call." I say happy but scared for him.
"Let me finish before you interrupt okay."
"Caroline I will always love you. But i..... I'm not in love with you anymore." My heart breaks. I can barely breathe. I should have seen this coming.
"And it was nothing you did. We were drifting apart for so long and I know you felt it too. You will never see me again I've found someone else and I hope you accept this and move on. Happy graduation Caroline." I didn't know what to say. But I would have the last word.
"You know what Tyler. I don't love you either I've moved on too." I yell.
"Okayyy caroline. Are you sure you're not just saying this to get me back."
"You really think I want you. You've been cheating on me. All you care about is revenge against Klaus. When we all are just as bad as him. We've killed we all have. Maybe not as much as him but we all have killed. I hope you suffer your whole life wishing to get revenge. But you never will because Klaus is stronger and braver than you ever will be you coward."
"How could I love a control freak like yourself. Klaus only wants you for one thing and that's sex. When he gets it he's just gonna throw you away afterward just like I did."
"Fuck you," I yell before I hang up.

I wipe the tears from my face and put on a fake smile. I walk out to the car and me and Bonnie leave.

"Klaus now is not the time to decide your over me. I'm gonna call you every 10 minutes until you get your ass here to save Damon's life."
"Where is everyone." I groan to Bonnie.
"I'm here," Matt calls out as he stands beside me and Bonnie.
"Where have you been," I say
"Oh, you know making plans for the summer. Dodging death by vampire hunter." He explains only half joking.
"Wheres Elena. We can't do this without her." Bonnie says.

"I'm here." Elena's voice calls as she and Stefan walk towards us.
"Thank you for today." She says as she hugs Bonnie.
"I can't believe it. We're actually all here. We are all here together." I say smiling they all laugh. Then I add.
"Bonnie Bennett are you crying."
"It's our last hooray until you guys go off to college."
"Before we go off to college," I say hitting her playfully.
"I kinda sorta missed the deadline. You know being an emotionless bitch." Elena says sadly.
"All the perks of being a vampire. We can go wherever we wanna go. We can choose our own roomates. We could, we could get a triple room." I exclaim as they giggle.
"I'm happy we're all here," Bonnie says tears beaming in her eyes.
"Aww, group hug," I yell out.
"Uh, I don't-- I don't hug," Stefan says seriously. I grab him and pull him towards us all.
"Oh. Get over yourself."

We all stand in line and get called up to receive our diploma. I can't stop smiling. Bonnie goes first. Then Matt, me, Elena, then Stefan.

I listen into Stefan and Alaric's conversation as I dial Klaus' number over and over again. But end up in voice mail. They talk about force feeding the cure to Damon to save him from the wolf venom.
All of a sudden my head starts pounding and we all clutch our heads in pain. A high pitched squeal pierces our ears.

"Remember us, Caroline." One of the witches I killed calls out.
We all scream out in pain.
A graduation hat flies past us and decapitates the witch. All of the pain stops.

"There are plenty more of these to go around whose next. I can do this all day." His sweet British voice rings out.
I turn and smile at him. He smirks back.

I stand in the middle of the football field cleaning up the gowns. I can feel him behind me sense him.
I turn and see Klaus walking towards me.
"How'd you get here so fast," I say smiling.
"I was already on my way. I received your graduation announcement. Its very subtle I assume your expecting cash-."
"That or a mini fridge."
We both laugh.
"I had considered offering you a first class ticket to join me in New Orleans but I knew what your answer would be. So I opted for something I knew you would accept." He pauses and inhales. I was confused.
"Tyler is now free to return to Mystic Falls." I didn't know what to say.
"What," I whisper.
"He's your first love..... I intend to be your last. However long it takes." He leans in and kisses my cheek.
"Congratulations Caroline." He whispers gently. I smile.
"Let's get out of here. Before 12 angry hybrids decide to pick a fight.
I needed to act fast. I only had so much time. Before he was gone.
"Klaus," I whisper before we walk out. He turns and smirks.
"Yes, love."
I breathe in and out. My heart beat extremely fast.
"I... don't.... want Tyler." He looks at me confused.
"I don't want Tyler because all I ever think about is... you. My brain tells me I want you but I can't have you..... Because if I ever had you I would lose my friends. I don't want to lose them but I also don't want to lose you. I know if I let you walk away it will be years til I see you again." He looks at me confused and turns. His face an inch away from mine.
"What are you saying." He whispers beside my ear.
"I'm saying let's make it count." He leans back and smirks. Our lips smash together. It felt so right. How could I ever think this was wrong. It was so passionate and loving. He pulls back.
"What does this mean." I think for a second.
"It means I want you badly. I don't know what will happen after this." He smiles and slams me on my back against the stage. He goes between my legs and kisses up my stomach pulling my dress up along with him. I moan and I feel him smirk against my body.
I sit up and grab his suit coat and rip it off. Then I grab his shirt and rip it into pieces.
I kiss his neck and bit it a little.
"Love that was an expensive suit. Your gonna pay for that."
I smile and pull back.
"Tell me how I can repay you."
He grins.
Next thing I know he's drinking from my neck. But it didn't hurt it felt good. Really good. I moan and he stops and stares at me. He licks the blood off his lips causing me to shiver.
"Your turn." He growls. He moves his neck to the side. My veins come out. I've had his blood before and it was like liquid gold.
I bite into his neck and he grinds up against me.
His blood ran down my chin and his neck onto his body. I pull back and lick the blood streaming from his wound that quickly heals. I slowly go down his neck and then his body. He grabs my chin and makes me meet his eyes. He rips my dress off and throws it on the ground. He lays me back kissing down my body and slowly taking off my underwear. I gasp as he enters me.
"Oh my god.' I whispered trying not to yell.
I would remember every last second because this would never happen again. And god did it feel good, amazing, fantastic. There were so many words to describe it.

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