pinterest ✐ d.s

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honestly if any of you have pinterest, follow me if you want :) i actually love pinterest & i'll probably stalk your boards. my usernames acyxxx but if you just type in 'aryn' under people, you'll find it ;)

enjoy x

y/n and daniel have been dating for about six months. she loved him with everything in her and he loved her just as much; if not more.

currently the two of them were just laying in bed watching beauty and the beast for the thirtieth time considering it was y/n's favorite movie.

"i'm going to go grab some water." she sat up, removing the blankets from her body. "do you want anything?"

daniel looked at her and shook his head, saying no.

y/n left the room, heading downstairs while daniel stayed, watching beauty and the beast. he had to admit, it got quite annoying watching it over and over. but each time y/n watched it, her eyes lit up with the same excitement as they did the first time she saw it.

her phone buzzed and daniel looked down for a minute since it took his attention, distracting him from the movie.

he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw a notification from pinterest. he's never heard of that before. so being the curious kid he is, he decided to take a look.

he didn't really understand it. it really was just pictures and you could 'pin' them. he decided to take a look at her profile only to be shocked with how organized and well put together all the boards were.

scrolling through, one caught his eye.

daniel seavey

he smirked a bit, looking to the door before clicking on it to see hundreds of pictures saved to the board.

most people would find it weird.. but he found it cute. she was so obsessed with him (in a not crazy way) and in love that she had all these pictures of him on her profile.

as she came back into the room, she saw her phone in his hands, her eyebrows furrowed.

taking a sip of water and getting back into bed, she asked, "whatcha looking at babe?"

daniel smirked once again, looking at her. "oh nothing really. just your pinterest."

he said it ever so casually, but so tauntingly as if he found something bad.

y/n tilted her head in confusion as she tried to look. suddenly, she came to the realization of what he must be looking at.

her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "give me that!" she exclaimed, pulling her phone from his hands.

"don't worry love. i think it's cute." he told her, smiling before kissing her forehead.

"shut up," y/n mumbled, embarrassed.

daniel laughed, shaking his head and hugging her. "i love youu." he sang.

she laughed with cheeks still as red as ever. "i love you more." she said softly, smiling at the boy she loved.

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