ch. 9

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Sorry for any mistakes.

Larry's POV:

I was mad. I loved my mother but she was a rotten bitch. I had to do something with that box. As soon as I knew he was asleep I silently got out from under him. I went to the boys room and headed straight for the window. I locked it and closed our inside shutters. I picked up the box and walked out the front door. I made sure it was bolted before I left. I drove to Jaspers house and calmly knocked on the door. He answered quicker than I thought.
"Hey Larry? You came in time I was shutting the house down. What's up?"
"I just got this about an hour ago maybe. I need help." We both sat down on his couch before he looked through the box.
"You wanna take her to court?"
"No. I'm still waiting to hear back from my lawyer on the doctor shit. Apparently he's got the ability to set schedules to him so we have to wait til he's free to drag his ass down." Jas nodded before seeing the bottle of poison.
"Wanna pay her a visit?"
"Gladly." He nodded again.
"I'll keep the box. You go home, cuddle Lau and make sure the boys feel safe. I'll pick you up tomorrow after noon and we'll visit mami. Just the two of us. In the mean time find a lie for Lau so he doesn't get suspicious of anything. I'm sure he'd love nothing more than to scratch her eyes out."
"He's more worried about the boys than himself."
"That sounds like him. Get home Larry. We'll deal with this tomorrow." I nodded and went home. When I walked in the door I had a very angry Laurent.
"Hey baby." I say looking the door.
"Where the fuck were you?" He growled, crossing his arms.
"I'm sorry. I went and talked with Jasper for a little bit. I was hoping to be back in time to lay with you." I say slowly walking up to him.
"Why didn't you answer your phone?" He huffed.
"I don't have it. I left it in the nightstand on accident. I didn't mean to." He rolled his eyes before grabbing my hand.
"Fine. Let's go to bed. Why were you at Jaspers?"
"I had a rant I needed to release."
"And you couldn't tell me?" He says stopping in the hall.
"Not this time. Don't worry. I'll always wanna talk with you."
"I'm glad."
"Also some time after noon me and Jas have a few plans. So you'll be by yourself with the boys for a few hours ok?" He looked down before he nodded.
"Baby don't look sad. You'll be fine. The boys love you."
"I know. But I'll miss you." He pouted.
"Awe. I'll miss you too my kitten." I say giving him a kiss. He smiled before acting shy.
"We going to bed?" He asked. I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist while laying his arms on my shoulders.
"Yea. We're going to bed. So I can cuddle my little kitten to sleep." He smiled and laid on my shoulder.
"Daddy cuddle kitten?"
"Daddy would cuddle his kitten all the time if he could."
"I would love that." He giggles.
"I know you would. Now come on. Daddy's sleepy." He nodded in my neck and held on tightly. I carried him to bed and laid down on my back so he was still on me.
"I love you Larry." He says slowly going to sleep.
"I love you too baby." The next morning I awoke to Lau still on me and the boys crawling out of the playpen.
"And just what do you escapies think you're doing?"
"Goin pway in bedwoom." Scotty says quietly.
"Ok. But daddy's gonna make a big breakfast in a little bit so don't eat anything ok?"
"Yes daddy." They ran off before I heard Lau whimper. His hands gripped my shirt before I heard a sniffle.
"Kitten. Baby boy wake up." He slowly sat up with tears running down his face.
"What's the matter?"
"Mami wants me dead." He sobbed. I hugged him tightly and whispered soothing things in his ear. His cries only increased and soon the boys were at the door.
"Wha daddy do to papa?" Scott asks crawling on the bed.
"Papas just sad baby." I say as Lau hides in my neck.
"Go back and play boys. Me and papa will be in shortly." The boys left and I sat Lau up in my lap.
"Baby stop crying. I've got you."
"I thought she loved me Larry. She promised when I was little to never leave me. And then she...she-"
"Hush now. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. You can't stress to much. Remember these?" I say rubbing his belly.
"My babies." He whispers.
"Exactly. Just focus on us, the boys, and the babies." He nodded and laid on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Larry. Just in my emotions I guess."
"Don't be sorry. Let's go make the boys a nice breakfast and then we'll cuddle until I have to leave with Jasper." I see the tears come back.
"Don't leave me."
"Oh baby. I won't be gone long."
"But I wan daddy to stay with me."
"Oh kitten. Daddy just needs to do something with Jasper. You'll be fine. Just watch the boys for a little bit and everything will be ok."
"How long will you be gone?"
"Two hours tops. And then I'll come home, you can be little, and daddy will take care of everybody ok?"
"I do." He nodded and leaned in for a kiss.
"I love you Lau."
"I love you too." After a good little make out session we got up to make the boys breakfast. He held my hand on the way to the kitchen and even sat on the counter next to me. When I got halfway through cooking breakfast he whined.
"Come here." He pouted. I walk over and he gives me a kiss.
"Thank you baby but I have to cook." He pouted again which earned him another kiss. He looked upset the rest of the time I cooked. Once I plated the food and set it up I picked him up and held him for a minute.
"Why you so clingy baby?"
"I don't want you to leave. I don't feel safe."
"I won't be gone too long and I promise you'll be fine. Keep the doors locked, windows covered and you'll be fine."
"Ok. Just don't be to long. And tell me when you get there. And let me know when you're on your way home."
"I will." He laid his head in my neck and I held him tighter.
"You'll be ok kitten. I promise."
"Ok." His ears flattened on his head as his tail dragged the ground.
"Perk up kitten." He nodded and wiggled down. He sat at the table and played with his food. I sighed and went to get the boys. They were playing and I walked in just as Aiden jumped off the bed.
"No!" I yelled making both boys jump.
"We do not jump off beds. Do you understand?"
"Yes daddy." They both say looking down.
"You're not in trouble babies. I just don't want you to get hurt ok?"
"Ok daddy." Scott says walking over with his arms up. I held him and kissed his cheek.
"Me and papa made breakfast you hungry?"
"Yes!" Both boys say. I walked them down and Lau was still pouting only this time he was wiping his eyes.
"Go sit down boys I have to talk with papa." They sat down as I offered my hand to Lau. He took it so I led him slowly to the living room.
"What's wrong baby?"
"I don't want you to go. Please don't go." I picked him up and let him cry it out. Once he'd calmed down, I sat with him sitting in my lap.
"How about before I leave I lay the three of you down for a nap so you won't know I'm gone. Then I'll be back before you wake up. Is that ok?"
"Ok. I'm sorry. I'll just miss you so much." He whimpered.
"I know baby. And I'll miss you too. I promise what I'm doing is gonna be for you. If you be real good I'll buy you a present." He looked up and sniffled.
"Sure. What would you like?"
"Can I get a new blanket? I really big fuzzy one?"
"From the blanket plaza?"
"Yes." He smiles.
"Definitely." He whispers a thank you before we eat breakfast. After we ate I held him on the couch while the boys played.
"I don't want you to go." He whispered.
"I know. It'll be ok. Like a said, you take a nap and you'll never know I was gone." He nodded and snuggled up. After a few minutes I felt him relax. I looked down to see him fast asleep. I smiled and laid him on the couch. I walked into our bedroom and pulled out his little floor bed and one we had gotten for the babies. It's big enough to hold the boys so I grabbed it along with some blankets and souris. I laid them in the living room floor and laid him down on his watching him snuggle down and cuddle his beloved stuffie. I laid the boys down and gave them little kisses.
"Daddy's has to run a few errands ok? Go sleepys and when you wake up daddy will be home ok?" The boys nodded and cuddled up. After I made sure they were all asleep I left. I made it to Jaspers house about noon and gently knocked on the door. He opened the door and let me in.
"I thought I was gonna call you to come over?"
"You were but Lau was all upset because he didn't want me to leave so I put him down for a nap with the boys and kinda snuck out."
"Does he know?"
"No. That I managed to keep secret." He nodded.
"I guess we better go huh?"
"Yea. It'd be best so I can get home."
"Let's go." We got in his car and drove to mamis. My nerves were shot. I didn't know how she'd be. She was suppose to be the one person in our lives that would support us no matter what. Yet, here we were. On my way to my mother's to bitch her out. We pulled in and I was furious. Jasper grabbed the box and I walked to the door. I knocked and to my surprise Arielle answered.
"Ari? What are you doing here?"
"I came to visit. I should be asking why you're here."
"You'll see. Where is she?"
"Mami? Relaxing on the couch why?" I pushed past her and threw one of mamis vases at her tv watching them shatter. She jumped up and looked terrified.
"How dare you! How fucking dare you come to my house and threaten my brother." Her face never left it's scared state.
"I-I don't know what you mean?" She says. I knew in her eyes, she was lying. Jas walked in with the box and I saw her try to hide a smirk. Arielle walked over and looked in the box.
"Mami what is this stuff?" She whispered.
"All things to rid of your brother. The retched child. He waisted over twenty years of my life. He has to pay." I was gone.

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