ch. 17

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Sorry for any mistakes!

Larry's POV:

My beautiful kitten. He's exhausted, still slow from the birth, and now overly worried about Aiden going to school. I didn't know how to help him or Aiden in this situation. I'm not in a position to understand what they go through daily. I watch as my baby tries to comfort the boys who also desperately look at me for help daily. It upsets me that I can't give them more than my little support.
"Babe?" I hear. I turn to Lau, who's looking at me sadly.
"What's wrong?"
"I just... I feel like I can't help with the boys more. Because I dont understand."
"What do you mean? You do a lot for the boys." I nodded.
"Yea, but is it enough?"
"Do they know you love them?" He asks. I nodded.
"I think so."
"They know. They love you. You're giving them hope that not every full human is out to rape or kill them."
"That's not all I want them to think of me as."
"Well, you did just give them a big family. You show me love daily. And you allow them to find comfort in you as I do." He says, laying his head upon my chest. I thought about it, and I suppose he's right. Soon enough, I hear teeny knocks on our door.
"Papas?" Aiden whispers from the other side. I call for him to come into the room, and it looks like he's been crying.
"What's wrong, baby?" I ask as he climbs into bed.
"I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.
"Yes, baby." Lau says as he pulls Aiden in to snuggle. Aiden cuddles close and wrinkles my shirt in his tiny fist. I sigh and look down at Lau, who's smiling up at me.
"They love you, baby." He whispers. I smiled wide. We fell asleep, and I'm the first to wake when I heard the babies cry. I quickly go and get started on the bottles before changing them. Soon as I have them all settled, Lau gets up with a sleepy Aiden in his arms.
"Daddy? Someone can't find you." I took Aiden and held him close.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"Couldn't find Daddy. Daddy keeps the scaries away." I cood at him and kissed his cheek.
"Daddy will keep he scarries away, I promise." I sit on the couch with him and let him sleep on my chest. Lau sits beside me just as Scott comes out of his room carrying a blankie and rubbing his eyes.
"Morning, Daddy." He sits beside Lau and curls up under his blanket, laying his head on the arm rest. Lau picks him up and snuggles him into his chest.
"Look at our little babies."
"Papa, I'm not that little." Aiden says, sitting up.
"You'll always be my little baby."
"Me too?" Scott says.
"Yes, you too." I say, smiling at my little babies. They curled back up and soon were all just laying here in the quiet house. I then realized I had yet to hear the babies. I get up and take Aiden with me to check on the babies. The closer I get, there's a sense of fear as I open the door. I was only partially relieved when they were all still in the room but there was this odd sense that something was't right, I place a very confused Aiden down as I pick up each baby to see Angel wasn't breathing properly. In a panic, I scream for Lau, who runs up to see what was wrong. We both rush all the kids to the hospital where we are met with Jasper. He takes the twins and the boys while we rush Angel inside. Lau can not stop shaking. We sit in a waiting room, Lau, in my lap as I hold him tight to try and calm him down. They had taken Angel and told us to wait. I didn't have the same level of panic in my system as before, but the longer we waited, the more Lau cried. It also didn't help that the people in here were not neko friendly as they would mumble under their breath every time he would start crying loudly.
"Kitten, relax. Please."
"M-my baby." He whimpers. He was beginning to fall asleep, so I asked for a blanket and tucked him into my chest. After about an hour, a nurse came and told me to follow her. I carried a sleeping Lau to a room where our baby boy was also sleeping peacefully.
"He's doing great. We don't really know what caused the problem, but we're still waiting for blood work. Right now, he seems stable." I sighed and sat in the chair next to the tiny bed Angel was in. The nurse left, and a few minutes later, Lau woke up.
"Hey, kitten. You fell asleep. We're in a room with Angel. He's fine, just waiting on blood work." Laurent instantly sat up and looked at Angel.
"Oh, baby boy. I'm so glad you're ok." Lau placed his hand in the bed, and I watched as Angels tiny hand grabbed his finger. Lau's eyes immediately tear up, and I have him lay on my shoulder.
"He's ok, baby." He nodded and snuggled closer.
"I'm so scared."
"I know, baby. I have a feeling he'll be ok."
"He's so little. He needs me. Always." I rubbed his back and kissed his head.
"He is blessed to have a papa like you kitten." Lau sniffled and snuggled closer.
"Sleep, baby. You're exhausted."
"No. One of us needs to get home. I know I can't stay here. I can't leave him either." He looked so sad as he looked upon our sweet baby.
"Go home, baby. I'll stay here. Keep an eye on him. You go cuddle our babies." Lau sat up with the saddest look on his face.
"Don't be sad, kitten. Daddy will be home with our baby soon."
"How soon, Daddy?"
"Faster, then you can grow those claws of yours." He smiled.
"Go meet Jas in the lobby and have him take you home." I watched as his lip quivers. I give him a kiss, making him relax.
"You'll be fine, baby. I'll bring Angel home soon." Lau bit his lip and nodded.
"W-walk me out, please?" I nodded and lifted him up, taking him to Jasper.
"I'm gonna stay here with Angel. Take him home and make him sleep, please. He's exhausted." Jas nodded and took Laus hand, going home. I went back to the room sitting beside my little baby. Well, not my baby, Blazes baby. I can't believe the shit we've gone through lately. I'm determined to make everything right. After about four more hours, a doctor came in. He said he couldn't tell what had happened but sent me home with a blood oxygen detector and a place to buy an in home incubator just in case it's a lung issue. He even knows a guy who can set it up properly for my baby boy. When we got home, the boys came up to us and, of course, asked questions before Jasper shooed them off and told me Lau had gone to bed. I put Angel in bed with the girls so they'd have some bonding time while me and the boys snuck into our room. Jasper set up a bed in the infant room to keep an eye on the teenies. Aiden snuck into the bed first, and Lau just sniffled and hugged him close. Next, Scott got in the bed, and Lau lay on his side to accommodate both boys in the bed. Once they settled, I laid behind Lau, and he gasped so loud it startled the boys.
"When did you get here? Where's Angel?" Lau says, starting to climb out of the bed. I grabbed him and set him in my lap as I sat against the headboard.
"He's fine. The doctor sent us home with some things. I'll explain them tomorrow. Right now, we all need sleep."
"What if something happens during the night?"
"Jasper is staying the night. Calm down. Daddy's got it covered." His tears came back, and I stood up with him.
"Boys, stay here. Me and Papa will be back." I carried him into the nursery and let him look at Angel while he was snuggled into my arms.
"He looks so small." Lau whispered.
"He is small, baby. Now let's go to bed, ok?"
"But daddy -"
"No. Bed." He whined but laid in my arms regardless. We went to bed, and the boys were snuggled against the wall, so me and Lau snuggled together on the other side of the bed.
"Daddy, I'm scared."
"Why kitten?"
"My babies."
"The babies are fine. With our love, they'll grow to be the best babies ever." Lau smiled and kissed me.
"You always know how to make me feel better."
"That's my job." I kissed him before holding him tightly.
"Good night, kitten."
"Good night, Daddy." We fell into a beautiful sleep. No one waking during the night. The next morning Aiden had his first day of school. Lau and Aiden were so nervous. I packed his back pack and a lunch before finally getting them in the car. Jasper stayed to watch the babies and Scott. We pull up to the school and Aiden starts bawling.
"Baby boy. Please don't cry." Lau had tears and I sighed. I put on Aiden backpack. Lau picked up Aiden and I picked up Lau. They snuggled into my chest as I walked them into the school. We were immediately met by the principal who looked way to cheery.
"Good morning. Who is this little guy?"
"Aiden Bourgeois. He's never been in school and they're both a little frightened." She pouted at them.
"Well let me lead you too his classroom. Maybe that'll help calm them both." We followed her down the hall and into a gorgeous classroom. Small class but plenty of things to do for the day. Laurent whimpered when we walked in but I smiled. There were ten kids in his class, him making eleven total. Four of the ten were nekos.
"See baby. I told you, you wouldn't be the only one."
"Ok now, Daddy, we ask you to please drop him off with his teacher Mrs. Darin. For our kindergarten kids we do Monday, Wednesday, Friday for the first two weeks and they are half days so please have them picked up by noon. She will give you a report of his day and any progress he's made as well." I nodded.
"Ok Lau put him down." I say placing Lau on the floor. He wiped his face and hugged Aiden tightly.
"I love you so much. You're going to have an amazing day. Daddy and papa will be back in a couple hours to get you." Aiden cried for a bit but Lau finally got to put him down. Mrs. Darin came over and smiled.
"First days are the hardest but he will be fine. We can talk more at pick up of you'd like." Lau nodded and hugged me.
"Come on baby let's go." We both kissed Aiden and watched him take his teachers hand to go sit down, still crying but ok. I placed his backpack in his cubby and we left. I had to carry Lau to the car but we were stopped by the principal again.
"Listen every neko parent comes here worried. We take pride in allowing them to be a part of our school and treating them the same as our other kids. If you ever have any concerns or questions don't hesitate to call or stop by and see me." I nodded before taking Lau home. He cried the whole time. I held him close and when we entered the house Scotty immediately ran up to us with a big smile.
"Uncle Jas made pancakes daddy!"
"He did?" Scotty nodded and ran off. Lau never left hiding in my neck. I sit on the couch and hug him to me as he cries into my shoulder.
"He's ok baby. I promise. He's safe." He continued to cry.
"What's the matter. Why are you so upset?"
"H-hes my baby. I-i-i can't...I want him home!" He sobs.
"We'll, get him in three hours, kitten."
"That's too long." He cries. Jasper came in with a sad look and I didn't know what to do.
"Laurent it'll be ok. You researched that school. You took tours. He'll be alright." Jasper said sitting down next to us.
"H-hes so scared. A-a-and he cried. I feel so bad." He started choking and eventually got up to run to the bathroom and vomited. I sighed. Suddenly scotty was running off.
"Papa?!" I followed and Scotty was trying to comfort Lau who was curled up in the floor bawling.
"Daddy fix him." Scotty says tearing up.
"I don't know how baby." Scotty cried harder.
"Daddy! Papas sad." I started to panic. Jasper came in and took Scott while I picked up Lau.
"Listen. This crying will stop. Everyone's safe. No ones getting hurt. No one feels abandoned. Laurent, Aiden is a big boy. He'll be fine. Scotty I know you love your papa but you need to calm down." Scotty calmed and Laurent looked like he was being scolded. His breath hitched and he hugged my neck tightly.
"I'm sorry." He said softly.
"You're not in trouble for caring. You just need to calm down." I put the boys down for a nap and when it was time to pick up Aiden. Lau was ready. We got in the car and drove down. We stood outside his classroom door with the other parents. Surprisingly none were neko. I started chatting with a few and found out many families in the area foster or adopt nekos to give them a better chance at life. Laurent smiled but his focus never left the door.
"First child in school?" A mom asks coming up to us.
"Yes. How can you tell?" She pointed to Lau who had his arms tight around his waist and tears in his eyes.
"That's how I looked with my first. Now I'm on my fourth kid and it's much easier." Soon the door opened and they let us in. Me and Lau stood against the wall and watched as our baby boy was playing with some kids.
"He's a great boy." His teacher says.
"Very interested. Smart, polite. Wonderful for the class. We hope you keep him here. He's made some great friends. The kids he's playing with now, they've stuck together all day." Laurents tears flowed. Out of the four kids he was playing with only one was neko.
"My little social butterfly." He whispered. I hugged him close and kissed his forehead. Aiden looked up and noticed us. He came running with his arms up. Lau dropped to his knees and hugged him tight.
"My beautiful baby boy."
"Papa why you cry?"
"I just missed you so much." Aiden wiped Laus face.
"Don't cry papa. I missed you too. I'm so happy I came." He smiled. Lau smiled and I held my arms open. Aiden came up to me and I picked him up.
"Hi baby."
"Daddy." He smiled.
"Can you get my backpack please? The teacher says I have to take it home everyday." We walked over and grabbed his bag.
"Papas gonna be ok right?" Aiden whispered in my ear.
"He's adjusting baby. Papas just worried about you."
"I missed papa today. I fell on the playground and I just wanted papa to hold me."
"He can hold you now." I put him down and watched him run to Lau. His teacher came up to me and smiled.
"He's safe here. No scavengers. We're protected. We've been doing this for over thirty years. This school is one of few safe spaces for neko children. We're glad you found us." I nodded. I walk up to Lau and kiss him.
"Ready to go home?" They both nodded and we got in the car. Lau sat in the back with Aiden as I watched through the rear view mirror. My sweet little kittens.




Love you!

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