The park

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So this is the story about how I met my Bf Matt.

    It all started one summer day at the park.

  I went to the park that day because I felt like doing something and going out. But i didn't feel like driving anywhere, so I walked there.

  I sat down on the bench and looked up at the big oak trees branches hanging over my head. I could see the sun slip through between the branches. It was beautiful just sitting there. I loved the outdoors. I took a deep breath in and out. I finally felt relaxed. A little later I got up and walked around the park. Than i walked over to one of the big trees they had and just leaned against it to check something on my phone. All of the sudden I felt like a lump fell on me. Than i heard, "Oh im really sorry about that. I. I... didnt mean to.." I got up and looked at my feet for a minute and said "Oh its okay..." I looked up and saw this guy I had never seen before standing there, and he had beautiful green eyes, a sexy hair style, and I very delicate eyebrows. You could barely see them. He was literally the hottest guy in the world to me. Than he said "Are you okay? I didnt mean to hit you like that." I kind of just stared at him for like a minute until i realized he was talking to me. "Oh yeah, im fine. Thanks, what were you doing anyways?" I said. He looked at me and than pointed to the feild behind him with other people playing soccer. "My teammate kicked the ball too hard this way and i didnt want it to hit you, but i kind of ended up-" I interrupted him. "Crashing into me? Hehe, yeah. Really its okay. By the way, whats your name?" He looked at me for a second and than said "Matt. My names Matt. How about you?" I looked at him and thought to myself..

Omg.. matt i love that name. Hes like the perfect guy for me. Im serious.

"Oh, my names Alex." I said. He laughed and said to me, I know this may seem a bit strange, but do you want to meet me for dinner later?"

Omg.. hes asking me to dinner!!! Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!

" Its not weird, and sure. Where and when?" I said. "Hmm, maybe

Chipotle?" I thought about it for a minute. I had no plans for like the whole week so why not right? "Okay so Chipotle. How about at 6?" I said. He laughed and said "Sure! Its a date than.... well not like a date date... its an expression.. i didnt mean-" I cut him off. "I know what you meant, its okay." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and said "See you later, Matt." He looked at me, blushing from the kiss i gave him on the cheek. He looked so cute. He took a minute but than he went back to his game and I went home to get ready for the evening. It was already 5pm!

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