Dinner at, my house?

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"Great. This is just great." There was at least a mile long line of traffic on the highway.

Omg. Matt! What if im late! Or what if hes stuck in here too? I dont know...

It felt like a good half an hour sitting there slowly moving forward, but when I checked the time it was only 5:49. Ok so I have 10 minutes to get there in this traffic? Oh boy. This isnt good. Okay calm down your gonna be fine...

Suddenly out of no where my phone rang.

Who is that? Ugh! Im driving!

But than the traffic stopped on me, so i answered the phone. It was Matt.

"Hey Alex. Theres a bunch of traffic over here on the bridge on the highway and i dont think im gonna make it to chipotle in time for 6. Sorry about that."

Wait? The bridge? I was on the bridge! And the same one too...

Suddenly the lane next to me moves up a car. And I looked over and it was Matt in his car on the phone, with me.

"Hey Matt? Look to your right for a minute."

He looked over and i waved and smiled at him. I heard him laugh over the phone as he waved back.

"Hey your right next to me! Thats funny. Anyways, so are we still going to Chipotle?" He said. An idea hit me as soon as he said that. I had just cleaned my apartment earlier that week so it was pretty clean. So why not just invite him over? Not too weird right?

"Matt, I just thought. Maybe since with traffic like this Chipotle may be packed, so do you just wanna hang out at my place? I mean, i-if if you want to, im not saying-" He cut me off. " That sounds fine. I can follow you there. The next exit basically leads back down where we started anyways. Lead the way!" I laughed a little cause he said that last bit in a funny voice. "Okay, follow me than. See you there, Matt." He said bye and i hung up the phone so I could drive safely.

When we got there I got out of my car and he got out of his and I walked up to him. "Hey Matt. So inside shall we?" I said in a funny voice. He laughed, "Sure. Lead the way." He said.

When we got inside the building I realized I had left my keys to my apartment back in the car. I told Matt I would be right back. He said okay, and i went outside. I went to my car and opened it, reached into the cupholder where my keys were, grabbed them and was about to close the door but than Matt came up behind me and scared me. I closed the door on my hand and I fell to the ground in pain.

"Omg! Are you okay? Im so sorry i didnt mean to do that!" He kneeled on the ground and lifted my hair out of my face. "Are you okay, Ale-" He lost his balance from kneeling so long and fell on top of me, and of course because of the kind of luck i have we were on a hill. It was a smallish hill, but big enough to make someone, or something roll down it.

As he fell on top of me I felt like I was falling, and I was, kind of. I was rolling down a hill, so I clung my arms around Matt not noticing it and he did the same. And we rolled down the hill. When we got to the bottom we were both still holding on to eachother, and i landed on top of him. We just layed there for like a minute not moving, and than we looked at eachother and just stared at eachother for like a minute, and we made eachother smile. And I said "Hi." And Matt started cracking up, and so did I. Than we looked at each other again, and than.. he kissed me. I kind of went along with it. Than we looked at eachother for a minute, and my face turned red. So the guy that fell on top of me yesterday, we basically just kissed.

Omg....omg..omg omgomgomgommggg.......

I felt my face turning really red now. He looked at me and I looked at him and than we kissed again. This time I just went along with it completely and than after that I realized I was still lying on top of him. He didnt seem to care though. Than we just broke into laughter. Than I fell off of him and was lying next to him on the ground. We both looked up at the sky and i had totally forgotten that i took my sweatshirt off in the car cause i thought it wouldnt match or something. So I was absolutely freezing. I started to shiver and Matt noticed me shivering so he wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled up next to him. We were just looking at the stars a while and than I drifted off. Matt was still awake when I fell asleep cuddled up next to him. He waited a little bit and looked up at the sky and than got up and picked me up and brought me inside, up all the 13 flights of stairs because the elevator was out of order. He took my keys out of my pocket opened the door, and brought me inside. He found my room and set me gently on my bed. He just looked at me for a bit and realized he forgot his phone in the car. He gave me a small kiss on the forehead and whispered to me he would be right back. When he got back with his phone he sat on the bed next to me and tapped my shoulder. I yawned and opened my eyes a bit. "Yeah?" I said tiredly. "I figured out that my car has no gas left in it. Do you mind if i stay over this one night?" I looked at him tiredly and smiled. "Sure Matt. Make your self at home" I yawned the whole sentence. He laughed and was about to walk out of my room to where the sofa was in the living room when I said "You dont have to sleep out there. You can sleep in here if you want. I think theres enough room on my bed. I dont take up too much space." He looked at me and smiled. "Okay." He came over to me and said. "Thank you, Alex." I looked at him and suddenly realized I was still wearing everything from earlier so it was probably grass stained from rolling down the hill. I got up and said "I totally forgot to change out of my clothes. Theyre probably all grass stained. Are they?" I slowly spinned around so Matt could figure out if i had any grass stains on my clothes. He told me to face the other way for a second. He looked up concerned. I turned around and I hears Matt say " Oh my god. What happened?" I turned around and looked at him. "Whats wrong? Is it like a tick or something?" He said "No not a tick. You have a big cut on your back. Come over into the bathroom I need to look at that." I freaked out. "A big cut?? I ran into the bathroom past Matt. He followed me and said look. He lifted the back of my shirt up as I turned around to look in the mirror.

It really was a big cut. It was where the slit in my shirt was. Maybe rolling down the hill caused it. I might have rolled over something sharp. I didnt see anything on Matt but it might be best to check just in case.

"Matt, I need to check if you have a cut or something." Matt looked more worried about me than him but I insisted he turn around so i could check. He did, and I didnt see anything. "Okay, your all set. No cuts, i dont see any ticks either." He turned around and before I could say anything, he turned me around and looked at my cut again. "Okay you cant reach the cut, im the only one here who can.. okay this is gonna sound really weird but i dont mean anything bad. I need to help you get this wound healed and your going to have to take your shirt off for it. I turned around to face him. "Okay. Thats fine. Just be careful because its starting to hurt a lot. I feel the pain now that im focusing on it." He looked at me, kissed me and said "Your going to be okay Alex. Trust me. I promise your going to be okay." He looked at me and I felt like I could trust him. And I know that sounds crazy but I really did. I actually looked into his eyes and I trusted him. I have never had that happen before. I think I trusted him because I-I... loved him.

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