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I sound ridiculous when i sneeze. Its hilarious. Than Matt came in the door way, looked at me for a minute and than fell over laughing.

"Whats so funny?"

"Your.. sneeze! Its hilarious." I looked at him and rolled my eyes at him. Than I looked out the window. And you know what I saw?


"Matt, you might want to look at this."

He stopped laughing so hard and came over to the window.

"Woah... thats a lot of snow! Where did it come from? It was literally like summer yesterday? Okay well not exactly its like fallish now, but what? I mean really, when did this happen?"

I looked at him concerned. "Does this by any chance change any of our maybe near future plans?"

Matt looked at me thinking for a minute with a concernced look on his face. I could tell he had thought of something as he frowned and looked out the window. After a few minutes he said,

"Our wedding. Alex, I dont think people normally have weddings in winter.

He looked on his phone for a minute and frowned again. "Here look at this."

He showed me something on his phone.

Servere Weather Alert!

Snow is coming early this year and this means it at least wont stop until december or january. Were sorry to have it come so early, especially since most people probably had a lot of plans or very big plans. We recommend staying inside for know just because the weathers temp has decreased below normal winter temperatures.

"Oh wow. Oh but you know what I just realized. Were gonna have Christmas and new years together." I smiled at him. "And im glad I get to spend it all with you Alex." I got up and hugged him. "Im glad too."

I checked my phone. Okay so its already november? Wow. Okay.

"Hey Matt, I just thought. Thanksgiving every year I go spend it with my parents. But this year your hear. So I think you should meet them. I mean if were gonna get like married, I think you should meet them."

Matt looked at me and said, "are you sure they are going to like me? Is that a problem?"

I laughed a little. "No Matt, they arent going to judge you. And I know them and i know you. Your going to be fine. And trust me at least theyre going to like you. I can guarentee that." I smiled at him and he hugged me. "Okay Alex. If your sure."

He smiled at me and than I remembered something. What day was it? I needed to call my parents! Oh boy. Okay. Im fine.

I grabbed my phone to check the date.

November 23rd

Oh boy. Okay when is Thanksgiving?

I checked my calender. It said,

November 27th

Oh wow. Okay I have 5 days...

"Matt?" He looked at me. "What is it?" "Umm, Thanksgiving is in 5 days. I should call my parents today. I will be right back im gonna go call them."

Matt looked suprised that it came that fast. I grabbed my phone and dialed my parents number.

Ringing... ringing... ringing..

Mom: Hello?

Me: Hey mom its me Alex.

Mom: Oh hi Alex, how are you doing? Is everything going well?

Me: Yeah, but Thanksgiving dinner is coming really soon. In 5 days actually. And i am coming over, but i hope you don't mind i want you to meet someone."

Mom: Oh, whats his name?

Me: Matt.

Mom: That's a nice name, anyways so you want Matt to come over with you for Thanksgiving dinner?

Me: Yeah, if your okay with it.

Mom: Im fine with it. You can have Matt come over with you on Thanksgiving. I appreciate the notice. I bet hes a great guy, because your standards must be high." She laughed a little. So did I.

Me: Yeah they are, and Matt fits it perfectly.

Mom: Okay well I have to go so I will see you when Thanksgiving rolls around okay? I cant wait to see you than.

Me: I cant wait to see you too. Okay bye mom. Love you.

Mom: Okay, talk to you later Alex. Love you. Bye.

I hung up the phone and went out to the living room where Matt was waiting on the couch.

"Guess what she said?" I walked over to him. He looked at me nervously. I laughed and sat down next to him. "She said its totally fine, and she said she bets your a great guy. I told her she was definitely right." Matt laughed and hugged me. "Okay, so im meeting your parents in 5 days. Im not so scared anymore."

I looked at him. "You were scared?"

He laughed a little. "Yeah, kind of. I didnt know what your parents are like. Of course it scared me. They could have totally not been okay with it!"

I looked at him and laughed. "Well your safe, cause theyre totally fine with meeting you."

A sigh of relief crossed his face. "Thank goodness." He made a funny face at me and made me laugh. I made a funny face back. We started laughing at eachothers funny faces.

And than the AC came on and I was wondering why they were trying to keep the place cold. I was freezing, so I got up to go get a sweater and trpped over my own feet. Matt was worried and came over next to me and kneeled down to see if I was okay. He leaned over me a little too much and like before fell on top of me. He was so clumsy sometimes it was hilarious.

But than I realized he was on top of me and i felt like a giant lump fell on me. I mean it sort of did. Matt isnt really a big lump though. I looked at him on top of me and started laughing really hard. The look on his face was priceless and adorable. He just looked at me and said, "what? What did i do know??" I just looked at him and laughed. He smiled at me and started tickling me again. But he was on top of me so i couldnt move so i was stuck there with him tickling me. I was laughing so hard I literally couldnt breathe. Than he stopped for a minute to let me catch my breath. Than i sneezed again. But i faced away from him cause i didnt want to sneeze on him. Than i sneezed again and again and again. After like 5 sneezes he was laughing so hard he couldnt breathe. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes.

He got up and helped me up and than i sneezed again. But this time he didnt laugh. He looked at me worriedly and felt my forehead. I had a cold. Great. And we were going to see my parents in 5 days.

"I think you have a cold Alex."

I suddenly had a massive headache come over me. I fell to the ground in pain. I thought it might be a migraine, but i didnt know. Matt picked me up and asked me if i was okay. "No i have a massive head ache all of the sudden."

He brought me to the bedroom and set me down on the bed and covered me with blankets than hugged me. I pulled away and said "I dont want to get you sick too Matt." He looked at me with a smile and said, "I will risk it. Someone has to help you get better. If I get sick so what. I care about you. Im gonna make sure you get better, and than if i get sick you can take care of me. Im not going to stop caring for you just because you got sick. Infact its going to make me take better care of you to get you better." I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you Matt." He smiled back and told me, "Your going to get better soon. I promise." I fell asleep next to him and he sat up next to me in bed on his phone checking on me every now and than to make sure you I was okay.

He soon fell asleep just looking at me. And good thing too. It was already

11:30 pm

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