I'll get better soon

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Matt looked at me, I looked at him and he said "Okay?" "Okay." I took my shirt off and he got some tissues to stop the bleeding, and started pressing down on it. I yelped in pain. I started to fall to the ground because i was loosing so much blood. He put his other arm around me to hold me up. All i could think about was how painful the cut was. I couldnt think about Matt or anything else but the pain. He kept the tissues there and kept pressing down. I was yelling in pain but Matt still kept it there. Finally he took it off but didnt let go of me because he knew I would fall. He told me "Okay, i need to put the ointment on it now. Its going to hurt a bit but your going to be okay Alex. Trust me."

"I trust you Matt." Thats all I could say over the pain. Luckly it was fading. But than Matt put the stuff on it and pain flooded over me. I couldnt take it. I started screaming in agony. It hurt so much. But Matt still didnt let go. He kept on trying to fix it no matter how much I screamed. Finally i got so tired of screaming I lost my voice. I was just flinching and crying at that point. He than found some medical tape in the cupboard and started to lay it over the wound. Than he wrapped it around me over the wound so it would stay. Once he made sure it was gonna stay he picked me up and put me in bed. Than he lyed down next to me and hugged me carefully because of the wound. I couldnt move at all. Than when it didnt hurt so bad i opened my eyes and looked at my alarm clock.


I was lucky i didnt have a job yet. My parents still supported me because they wanted to help me, and they told me to look for the right man before i settled down. I kind of went along with it. But that was a year ago. They still support me even now. They were always so nice about things and they told me they didn't care who i got into a relationship with. They only hoped and prayed for me that i would find a guy who treated me well. Thats what they said. But again. I went along with it. I mean look where i am now? Im already in love with someone i met yesterday. I hope it turns out to be a good life.

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