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Author's notes: Warning, the following may or may not contain broken English. English is my second (or was it third?) language and I'm trying to improve it day by day. Pointers and tips will be highly appreciated.

This story is long-winded. Currently with thirteen chapter (Nearly 40k words) it still haven't scratch the quarter mark yet. For the best reading experience, read through everything as the plot in the first few chapters are slow (Yes, I apologize)

Awesome cover by @Sianie1990

Edited: 16/8/12 Deleted those POVs and added interludes through out the main plot to introduce characters rather than squeezing it all into one chapter for your convinience 


It was the 1st of December, 2020, 8:30 in the evening. It was raining outside. Sounds of rain hitting the earth rang throughout the small common room. Light from a small table lamp barely illuminated the room. The rain was most comforting during this time of the year; it was the kind where you could just pull up the covers and have a nice peaceful slumber but instead, here I was. Sitting on an armchair, facing my father who was wearing a stern expression. I felt like a child, waiting to be lectured after doing something wrong.

He was still wearing his work clothes; a white shirt and a pair of black trousers. His top-most shirt button was undone and his shirt tugged out. The small table lamp illuminated his well-kept moustache and the tired expression on his brow. The shadows that fell on his face made him more depressing to look at.

"Nina…" my father spoke with his baritone voice.

"Yes, Father."

"I am sure you were informed already about tomorrow."

"Yes, Father. It's about the War right? I was clearly informed by my caretakers and I even did some research on my own." I spoke clearly and confidently. "We need to win this War right, Father?"

My father didn't speak a word for a while. He didn't even look me in the eyes. Then, he opened his mouth.

"Tomorrow, you will be sent to your aunt's house in Setiawangsa. I have arranged your transport and have told the maid to pack your stuff."

"What?" I said in disbelief. "But I need to be here with you! I want to win the War for you! You told me that, right? You need my help!"

"But it's too dangerous, Nina! You are still an inexperienced Wielder. That lack of experience will ultimately kill you!"

"Father! I strongly believe that I am the strongest and most capable Wielder for the Crest of Tukang. I will win the War for you!" I stood up from my seat. "Our House has been stripped from our rightful place in Malaysia. We are regarded as weak by the so-called upper houses. Our pride is at stake and the only way to gain back the glory for the House of Seven is to win the War! With me as a representative, and the Crest of Tukang, I promise to you, Father, I will be victori-"


I froze mid-sentence. My mouth was gaping wide, and no words came out from it.

"Enough…" My father looked at me with eyes filled with sadness and guilt.

I looked away and stared at the carpeted floor. I clenched my fists, frustrated with myself. Frustrated with my father.

Silence filled the common room. Only the sounds of the rain from outside rang throughout the room.

"I will be the representative. I will ask the Head Mage to make sure I will be named for the War tomorrow." My father spoke somberly. "As for you, your taxi will arrive tomorrow morning at eight. Get a good night's rest, as tomorrow will be a tiring day for you.”

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