The Informant

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Chapter 11: The Informant

          “Wake up, Arif,” someone shook my body. I grumbled in response. I need more rest. My arm and body is still very sore from the previous Tengah experience. Who would want to disturb me now?

          “Wake up,” that certain someone slapped me across my face which made me startled and wide awake.

          “What is that for?” I asked my ‘slapper’ in obvious irritation. I can’t see properly in this dark room. Judging from the silhouette, it is most probably a man.

          “It’s Syahir. We need to get ready. We have a mission to be done.”

          The word mission sparked my interest. So, this is what Mrs. Zarina told me before. A mission I need to complete since Nina is out of commission. I quickly got out from bed and face Syahir.

          “So, what is our mission?”

          6th December 2020

          1.30 a.m, Setiawangsa.

          I didn’t realize it is 1.30 am. So, I only got around 4 hours of sleep and rest even after all that chaos in Tengah. Even so, I feel refreshed though my left ‘dislocated’ arm is still a little sore around the joints. Syahir just left and gave me 5 minutes to prepare myself. He didn’t say a word about the mission. His reply was just, ‘Hurry up and get ready,’

          The cold water jolted my body into high alert. Nothing feels more refreshing than a nice cold face wash. I changed into a set of clothes Syahir gave me; a grey hoodie with beige khakis. It hit me at I have been wearing the same T-shirt and jeans for almost four days. All of other clothes were most probably burnt into crisp when my house was burned down. A change of fresh clothes are most welcome to me.

With that, I left my room and head to the meeting room.


As I enter the meeting room, I saw Mrs. Zarina and Syahir sitting next to each other across the room. Mrs. Zarina was sipping her coffee with a serious look on her face. She had her reading glasses on and was analyzing the papers in her hands. Her eyes rapidly scan the words on the paper, hoping to find a clue but she sighed. She put down the papers and rubbed her temple.

“No clue?” Syahir asked.

Mrs. Zarina shook her head. “No, the data provided only outlines the history and mythology behind those Houses. There is nothing in here that can help us to defeat them.”

“I see…”

“G…Good evening.” I greeted both of them, interrupting them from their thoughts.

“Ah, Arif. Please have seat. We have so many things to discuss about and a quick briefing on your mission.” Mrs. Zarina motioned her hand at the chair across of her. I sat on the chair, waiting for Mrs. Zarina to speak.

Mrs. Zarina cleared her throat and sent a sharp look at me.

“We have a problem.”

She pressed a few keys on the holographic keyboard that appears before her. Instantly, the LCD screen flashes and four images of Crest that I didn’t recognize appeared on the screen.

“The Four Houses of Rulers had their eyes on you in such an early stage of the War. This is worrying as they are the oldest and most established of all the Houses, meaning their information network and war strategies are far more capable and effective than all the other Houses or at least, better than us,” she continued.

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