Chapter 14- What The Hell Did You Do, Soma?

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Third POV:

"So-Kun did what?!" Moka asked Takumi.

Takumi was surprised by her outburst but still kept his calm face. "I heard that Yukihira challenged someone to a Shokugeki," he told Moka. "He was supposed to have his first defeat with me," he whispered to himself as anime tears fell down his face. 

Moka sweatdropped at this. "Takumi-Kun, do you perhaps like So-Kun? I didn't know you swing that way," she marveled.

Takumi gasped in horror, not wanting her to see him that way. After all, he does have a little, no big, crush on her. "Y-you're mistaken, Moka-San. I-I only see him as a r-rival," he stuttered. 

Moka chuckled, causing Takumi to blush. "I was just kidding, Takumi-Kun. I'll be looking out for So-Kun. Knowing him, he'll always get himself in trouble. Farewell. See you later, k?"

Takumi nodded, his blush still visible to the public. Once Moka left to find Soma, he realized people were trying to stare holes into his back. Jealousy really can drive people mad, huh?

Moka ran to find Soma and to her surprise, she found him in the Donburi Bowl Research Society room. "So-Kun!" Moka called Soma. 

"Yo, Moka-Chan. Are you inter--" Before Soma can finish his sentence, he was kicked in the stomach by Moka herself. "OW! What was that for?"

"Hmph. For being a big idiot," Moka grimaced. 

"Huh?" Soma asked stupidly, not knowing why Moka called him an "idiot."

Megumi sighed, not knowing what to say to the red headed boy. Meanwhile, the second year with the drooping black pompadour, had hearts in his eyes. He pushed Soma out of the way and introduced himself to Moka.

"Second year! My name is Konishi Kanichi and I'm single!" he shouted in excitement. Moka was creeped out by this and hid behind Megumi. 

"Help me, Megu-Chan. There's a perv on the loose. I repeat perv on the loose," Moka whispered in Megumi's ears. 

Megumi sweatdropped at her behavior. "Moka-Chan. I think Soma is rubbing off of you," she whispered back. Moka gasped dramatically and whispered back a big, fat "NO!"

"So mind explaining what happened So-Kun? Depending on your answer, I might let you off," Moka glared at Soma.

Soma started to sweat at her glaring. "Hahaha! I uh... wanted to experience a Shokugeki?" he answered, although it sounded more like a question. Megumi and Konishi eyes widened at is answer. They both thought, 'We're toasted..."

Moka gained an irk mark. "GUILTY!" she declared, pointing an accusing finger at Soma. 

"Just kidding! I wouldn't do something that stupid," Soma chirped. Moka, Megumi, and Konishi anime fell. Moka gained more irk marks and kicked Soma out the window.

(Few Moments Later) <----- brought to you by "Moka Kick"

"Ow! Moka! You could've given me a warning before you kicked me!" Soma complained, rubbing the huge bump on his head.

Moka evilly laughed making Soma and Megumi earn shivers go down their spine. "If I do, where's the fun in that?"

"You're evil," Soma croaked. "Anyways, you shouldn't worry Moka-Chan! The Shokugeki is in 3 days. I can probably whip up something good during that time."

"Probably? That makes me unsure whether or not you'll win," Moka exasperated. "Anyways, I guess you'll win. I believe in you. If you need any help, feel free to ask me, k?"

Soma grinned. "Thanks!"

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