Chapter I: New Semester

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Reader's POV:

Beacon's midterm break is coming to a close. After a week and a half off, classes are scheduled to resume tomorrow at 9:00 am sharp. Like usual, you wake up at 5:00 in the morning, don your robes, and make your way out to the fields to train, accompanied by Rhino's Charge, your trusty meteor hammer. Despite having grown much as a person in the past few months, making friends and learning to ease up on your studies, you still wake up earlier than your teammates to train in the mornings, though you postpone your breakfast so you can eat with them. Today is a particularly beautiful day, the sun shining brightly in the sky causing a pleasant sparkling effect to take place in the water's reflection. After you've finished your usual morning training, you delay eating for a bit longer to sit at the edge of the cliff, allowing your legs to dangle off the ledge as you stare at the lake below you.

As you watch the rippling along the surface of the water, you can't help but think back to the person you used to be. When you first arrived at Beacon Academy you were a silent, stoic, remorseful person who didn't understand people and did his best to avoid them. Your life revolved solely around training and schoolwork. Not only were you a buzzkill, you were downright depressing, never cracking a smile. You were much more cheerful nowadays. You allowed yourself to relax a bit and began socializing with your teammates, as well as other students. You made friends with Teams RWBY and JNPR and were much happier for it. Hell, you even befriended a team of second years, Team CFVY, towards the end of last semester, thanks to your preventing Cardin Winchester from antagonizing Velvet.

While you still cause awkward silences on occasion, and don't yet manage to fully understand social cues, you've still managed to create strong bonds with your family at Beacon. You can easily laugh with your friends, Jaune, Pyrrha and Velvet being some of the easiest to be around. You were even getting better at dealing with Ruby and Nora's high energy, as well as Coco being, well, Coco. Still, you were thankful that you had teammates that didn't run quite as fast. Weiss for instance, who always maintained a degree of professionalism, and Blake, Ren, Fox, and Yatsuhashi, who all shared your more reserved nature.

And then there was Yang. You smile to yourself as her face appears in your head. Yang Xiao Long, that fiery dragon who had burned down your walls and flew you off your island of isolation. Ever since that day she confronted you in the hallway outside your room you knew you felt something for her, you just didn't know what that something was until a few days ago. It took you such a long time to realize your feelings for her due to the nature of your upbringing. Such romantic emotions were strictly forbidden at Sun Zhang. But you aren't at Sun Zhang anymore, you're at Beacon Academy. Here, you're allowed to feel whatever you want, for whomever you want. And what you feel is love, and you feel it for Yang. She doesn't know yet though, you have yet to tell her. How to go about doing that though, you're completely unsure about. This is an area in which you have no knowledge, an opponent you know nothing about, an ocean whose depths hide unknown dangers. Still, you know you have to tell her soon. After all, she's an amazing woman, she's bound to attract the attentions of others sooner or later, and that'd make issues far more complicated.

Rising from you spot at the cliff ledge, you make your way towards the school cafeteria to meet your team. You look forward to seeing them all this morning. After all, it's a beautiful day, and tomorrow marks the beginning of a new semester. A new you. Getting closer to the cafeteria however, you see a flood of students fleeing the building, many of them covered in their breakfast. Waiting for the crowd to disperse, you approach the entrance and are greeted with quite the scene. Inside you see absolute chaos. Tables have been piled high in an unorganized mess. Food has been scattered about the floors and walls. And sure enough, you see your two teams engaged in a food fight of the most epic proportions.

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