Chapter V: First Dance

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Standing in front of a mirror, you turn to examine the different angles of your reflection. While not terribly uncomfortable, you aren't accustomed to wearing anything other than your robes, and the idea of going out in public in anything different is a little strange.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." You say.

"Relax (F/N)." Ren tells you. "Stressing won't do you any favors."

"Yeah. Besides, it's too late to back out now." Nora pipes up.

You had called Ren over to ensure that you looked okay for the dance. You don't really have experience with suits and ties. Nora had decided to tag along too.

You tug at your shirt collar and groan. "This thing is so stuffy. How do you guys wear these monkey suits every day?"

"I guess we're just better at being monkeys than you are." Nora says.

You laugh as you nervously adjust your bowtie.

"Here." Ren says, walking over to you and fixing your bowtie and collar for you. "Don't worry so much (F/N). You look great." He says, straightening out your jacket.

"You think so?" You ask, to which Ren nods in response. "I just hope Yang likes it." You say, turning back to the mirror.

"She'll love it!" Nora says excitedly.

"I hope you're right." You say.

"Of course I am!" Nora says. "Now let's go, we're gonna be late." Grabbing Ren's hand, she pulls him out of your room and runs down the halls. Laughing to yourself, you turn off the lights and close the door to your room, slowly making your way to the dance.

Nora and Ren had already run ahead of you, leaving you to make your way to the dance by yourself. By the time you arrive the party is already in full swing, the room full of students dancing on the floor. Nervously entering, you feel as if everyone is staring at you, despite that fact that everyone's eyes are on their partners.

Looking around the crowded room for Yang, you spot her on the dance floor with Blake. Spotting her, your breath instantly catches in your throat. She's wearing a simple yet elegant plain white dress that falls to just above her knees accompanied by a pair of matching heels. Her blonde hair has been smoothed just a bit, but not enough that the light doesn't ripple off the waves in her hair. You can think of only one word to describe how she looks; beautiful. You're so distracted by Yang's gorgeous appearance that you don't notice the figure approaching you until they're standing next to you.

"She's looks amazing, doesn't she?" Someone asks.

Looking to your left you see Sun standing next to you in a black shirt and tie.

"Incredible." You agree.

Neither of you are aware the other is referring to a different person. As the song is about to come to a close and Yang and Blake separate, you watch Sun walk over. Yang gestures for him to take Blake and walks off to the side of the dance floor where you see the rest of Team RWBY. It's now or never. Taking a deep breath, you make your way over to the blonde. As you get closer, you can hear the three girls talking.

"I told you she would come." Yang says to her teammates.

"Mission accomplished." You hear Weiss say.

"So, what do we do now?" Ruby asks.

"Enjoy the evening."

Your friends turn around to find you standing behind them, hands folded behind your back.

Male Reader x RWBY: Volume 2 / Reader x YangWhere stories live. Discover now