Chapter IX: Into the Mountain

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Following yours and Yang's explanation, your teammates made to go to the assembly. Blake however asked you to stay behind. She apologized for treating you the way she had a few nights ago and told you she was happy for you and Yang. You smiled at her and gave her a quick hug, telling her all was forgiven.

Catching up to your team you join the rest of the students inside the assembly hall where students from the other academies are gathered. The chatter dies down as Professor Goodwitch walks onto the stage and begins grouping the students together so that the four schools stand separated.

"Quiet. Quiet please." She says into the microphone. "Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin."

Walking off to the side of the stage, Beacon's headmaster takes her spot in front of the microphone.

"Today we stand together. United." He begins. "Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four kingdoms of Remnant. On this day nearly 80 years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression."

As you continue to listen to the Professor's speech, a movement towards the back of the room catches your eye as a robed figure slips out of sight. Is that... no. It can't be. You think to yourself. Besides, what would she be doing here? Your attention is brought back to the stage as Professor Ozpin walks away from the microphone.

"This is perfect!" Ruby says enthusiastically. "All we have to do is shadow a huntsman working in the southeast."

"Yeah!" Yang cheers. "We'll follow them around by day and give them the slip at night."

"Let's check search and destroy." Weiss suggests.

As your team walks away, you once again see movement coming from a secluded area of the room. Telling your team you'll catch up with them, you make your way towards where you saw the mysterious figure. Searching the edges of the large room, you look out a window to see the same person run around the corner of one of the support pillars. Walking briskly after them, you break into a run once out of the assembly hall, chasing after the unknown individual. Pausing when you reach the main courtyard, you see the person slip into the dormitory building. Bursting through the front doors, you catch a glimpse of a hooded figure smirking at you as the elevator doors close on them. Watching the numbers change above the elevator, you see it stop on the top floor. Activating your semblance, you race up the stairs, reaching the top floor in a matter of seconds.

Unwrapping Rhino's Charge from your shoulders, you slowly begin to investigate the area. Continuing down the halls, you hear noises coming from inside your room. Taking a deep breath, you throw open the door and drop into a fighting stance, prepared to dispatch of whomever might have been foolish enough to attack you. Your jaw drops when you see the figure awaiting you inside.

"Sister Kya?" You ask in disbelief.

"Hello Brother (F/N)." The attractive brunette says.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, relaxing a bit.

"Now (F/N), is that any way to greet an old flame?" She asks with a smirk.

"Don't pretend you and I ever had anything." You say coolly. In truth, back at Sun Zhang, Sister Kya had been your first crush. The ways of the temple however, prevented anything from happening between the two of you.

"Didn't we?" She asks, faking a hurt expression on her face.

You scoff. "No. You were too dedicated to the ways of Sun Zhang to ever allow your emotions to dictate your actions." Upon saying this, you remember the time a few years ago you had confessed your feelings to her, and how she had shot you down without hesitation, explaining that such emotions were foolish.

Male Reader x RWBY: Volume 2 / Reader x YangWhere stories live. Discover now