Chapter XIII: Aftermath

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Professor Goodwitch quickly repairs any damages caused during the fight while Professors Port and Oobleck hunt down any Grimm that might have strayed away from the main fight. In the meantime, the Atlesian warship had deployed several airships equipped with medical supplies. Setting up around the courtyard, the personal tended to any wounded civilians. You were currently seated outside one of the airships as several medical personal examined your wound. The head doctor of the ship gave your shoulder a quick once over, before nodding and heading back to the ship. He returned several minutes later with what appeared to be some sort of gun.

"You can go ahead and remove that." He tells you.

Nodding, you uncurl the rebar and slowly pull it out of your shoulder, hissing in pain. The wound immediately starts bleed profusely, but the Atlas Doctor takes the gun and places it against the wound. Instead of a bullet, the gun secretes a light blue paste which covers the wound, smoking as it seals shut. Moving to your back, he places more of the paste on the exit wound and steps back, allowing a nurse to wrap your shoulder.

"This should keep the wound sealed while it heals. It contains antibiotics to ensure the wound doesn't get infected." He takes a clipboard from one of the nurses and begins taking notes. "Give it about two weeks to heal, then wash the sealant off with this." He hands you a small bottle of pale green liquid. "While the sealant may prevent you from bleeding out and expedite the healing process, make sure you don't overexert yourself. It's still going to take some time to heal completely, and I'm sure it'll leave a nasty scar."

"That's fine." You say. "Nothing I'm not used to."

Thanking him, the Doctor walks off to check on another patient. Slipping your robes back on, you look up to see Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY approaching you.

"How are you feeling (F/N)?" Velvet asks as Yang moves to sit next to you.

"I'm fine."

"Your shoulder feeling okay?" Ruby asks.

"Don't worry so much." Coco says, peering at you over her sunglasses. "He's tough. He can take it. Besides, I'm sure it's nothin' new to him."

"How's everyone else doing?" You ask as Yang unnecessarily helps you to your feet.

"Ren's got a bruised rib, but other than that we're fine." Jaune informs you.

"What about you guys?" You ask Team RWBY.

"We're good." Says Ruby. "Weiss' ice shield managed to take the blunt of the crash. What about you?"

"I feel like I was hit by a train." You chuckle, causing your teammates to laugh. Teams CFVY and JNPR however, look at one another confused.

"So, when are you going to tell us what happened here?" Coco asks.

"Yes," Pyrrha nods, "we'd quite like to know that as well."

You stand back and allow Team RWBY to explain, only jumping in occasionally to add something they forgot or correct something they misremembered.

"Aw man." Nora groans. "You guys get to have all the fun!"

Laughing a bit, the thirteen of you all board a Bullhead heading back to Beacon. Landing at the school, you all depart the ship to see Professor Ozpin waiting for you in front of the statue that stands before the school's entrance. Exchanging a nervous glance with your team, you receive a punch on the shoulder (you reach up and grab your shoulder in pain) from Coco.

"Man looks like you guys are in some serious trouble." She laughs. "See you guys around." She says as she and Team CFVY turn and make their way towards the dormitories. Team JNPR gives you a sad look before following Team CFVY.

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