Chapter 1: Meeting Her

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A part of maturing is recognizing and understanding that most people are not what they seem at the surface. Even when some people feel superficial and very shallow. People choose to show what they want people to see. Being in a generation where everything seems fake and forced it's hard to know what's real anymore and when it comes to putting love and trust into people it becomes about taking a leap of faith. However, it is so easy to get influenced and mixed into how most people are and become it yourself. Life is a constant road of lessons and growing into who we are meant to become.

     "Theo, did you hear me?" My best friend Tommy plucked my forehead. I must've been lost in my thoughts not realizing that he was even speaking to me. Tommy is my best friend. Now we don't go around saying that of course but it's something unspoken of and will always be that one friend you can walk into their house without permission, or memorize their McDonald's order. He is one of the only ones I could say I trusted with anything. We've been friends since we were little our parents were close and we were always kind of forced to hang out with each other.

     "Ouch, what Thomas?" I groaned rubbing my forehead. He rolled his eyes and readdressed himself to the group. My other five friends Gabriel,, Jack, Donatai, and Jeremiah were sitting at our lunch table. As I looked around the table trying to listen to whatever Tommy was trying to pursue, I smiled at the group of friends I've chosen to associate myself with. They say if you stay friends with your high school crowd, during and after college those are forever friends. It's truly a bittersweet feeling knowing that this was my last year but I could feel that I was ready to move on from this.

     "Come on listen, I said I'm having a get-together at my house later tonight and I want you all to there and... bring a girl," he grinned. I rolled my eyes. It's always girls who come over to my house so we can get shit-faced and not remember a thing the next morning. Can't people have fun without getting drunk or having sex? I could be such a hypocrite sometimes because I loved sex and getting drunk. I guess I just wanted to do something different for once.

     "Theodore!" Jeremiah slapped my neck and I clenched my fist.

     "Jeremiah how many times do I have to tell your ass to stop putting your fucking hands on me!" I gritted out through my teeth slamming my fist on the table. First Tommy now him. The theme of hitting me was strong today, and they knew that my patience was thin.

     "Woah, calm down orange, I'm just playing 'cause we both know you can beat my ass," Jeremiah held his hands up in surrender and chuckled a bit to himself.

     "Pussy," I mumbled smirking.

    "Two minutes," he coughed into his hand and I felt my face burn up. The whole table busted out laughing and I stood up and quickly sat back down not trying to cause a scene and bring any attention to my recent humbling experience.

     "That was one time! She gave me a hand job right before it doesn't count!" I don't know why I told my friends about my sexual activities, especially that one. I guess it could've just been a guy thing but lately, I've been feeling the want to tell less and less of my business.

     "Better be quiet there she goes right there," Jack pointed at my one-night stand I had a few weeks ago and I waved at her. She looked away and whispered to her friend. All my friends laughed again. "Maybe Id have a chance with her...cause I actually think I'd last." He mumbled the last part under his breath.

     "Fuck you guys, honestly," sucking my teeth I got up and walked away, turning back to them not feeling satisfied with how I left, "And Jack, you're still a virgin, you wouldn't even know what to do with it." With that, I left the table with no decorum and they laughed.

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