Chapter 42

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Theo POV

It was the next day and the tattoo was healing well I planned on showing Collae when the time was right between us. I didn't want her to think I did this selfishly.

I had no doubt that I wanted to be with her, I just hope she felt the same.

I never really addressed my anger issues with anyone except my family since they were the ones who's seen it hands on. I wish I could say something horrible happened to me for me to react to the things that Ive done but there isn't. My father always would tell me his father used to beat him constantly and he was overall just an angry and ugly man. He passed away when my father was in his late twenties. I don't remember much about him because my father didn't want me around him.

My father was worried I'd be as bad as him but over the past couple of years I've been better. I would like to describe myself as having reactive aggression. It used to be worse when I was younger, starting with tantrums and breaking things. Eventually as I got older I started to be physical with other people. This eventually became a problem once I got to middle and high school. I've always managed to stay out of trouble due to my father pulling strings.

Collae made me feel calm, like a better person, she showed me who I could be. She's someone I've dreamed about. It almost didn't feel real sometimes and now I had a baby on the way. That definitely wasn't expected.

I was on my way to her house to bring her to mine. I talked to my mom telling her that she needed a talk but not to push anything out of her. I couldn't possibly say the right things to her but maybe she could. I didn't tell her what happened I just told her Collae really needed someone to talk to.

I texted her I was outside. I waited for her at the passenger door like I usually do when I pick her up. She manages to always look her best even on her bad days. Just seeing her makes my day better.

"Hi Cauliflower," I smiled at her laying a soft kiss on her forehead. I looked up to see her nana glaring at me from the window. I politely waved and she shut the curtain. Sheesh.

"Don't worry about her, you know how she is," She laughed waving her off getting into the car. I didn't take it personal I've had doors slammed in my face. I walked over getting in the car.

"Hey," she said softly before smiling at me.

"You're so beautiful," my thoughts escaped my mouth. Her usual head bow didn't come and I smiled.

"Thank you," was all she said smiling back before turning her attention to her phone.

"You haven't hung out at my place in a little," I started to head there.

"I know I can't wait to see the babies," She squealed.

"I think they're excited to see you too."


When we walked in of course she was greeted by my baby brother first as usual. I rolled my eyes at him. He has done this every time.

"Hi my handsome boy," She scooped him up. I was a little worrisome considering she's pregnant and that boy wasn't that light.

"Should you be-" I was cut off by her hand and she continued to swing Adrian.

"Now where is Amalie?" She tickled him. He was laughing so hard trying to squirm other arms. He managed to escape her grip and screamed running away. I wanted to tell him to be careful and not rough with her but I knew Collae would've got upset with me.

"I love him," she said laughing. And 'I love you' I thought to myself. I always loved seeing her interact with my siblings even if they were crazy. It was clear she was going to make a good mother.

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