Chapter 15

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Theo POV

I wanted everything to go right with this little date. Getting Collae to like me was a priority of mine because I started to feel like she was going to be the one to bring me out of this mindset of only having temporary relationships. She just felt so real to me. Maybe the fact that I had to work for her and she wasn't falling into my arms had something to do with it.

With my hands feeling a bit sweaty, I waited for Collae at my car before the bell. I had to rush out before my friends could ask me where I was going since it should've been practice.

I saw her walk out with Kaitlyn looking like she was saying her goodbyes to her. She searched for me squinting a bit, she probably forgot her contacts today. I waved my hand to her hopefully grinning subtly, but I had a feeling I was cheesing hard. She started walking towards me and I began getting in my thoughts. She looked so pretty today. I didn't want to assume she got dressed up for me because she looked good almost every day, but today she looked breathtaking. She had red-ish cheeks,  her hair in a low bun with a few stands sticking out, she had a matching yoga set on that snug her body. I noticed a dangling piece of jewelry and smiled more. She looked beyond sexy. I wanted to place my lips on her right there so people knew who she belonged to.

"Hey," She said softly as she looked down. I hated when she did that, so badly how I wanted her to look at me when we were talking. I loved getting lost in her eyes. I reached for her chin with my index finger and to my surprise she didn't back up or curse me out this time as she allowed me to lift her head.

"Head up mon amour, I want to see your pretty face," we took a moment staring at each other for a moment before she broke eye contact. It was so easy to get lost in her eyes. Trying to figure her out was something I wanted to be patient with, and let her open her heart to me.

"So..." Her eyes wandered, "Are we leaving or are we just going to stay here?" Nodding I walked with her to the passenger seat and open the door for her. She smiled at the gesture throwing her bag in the backseat. Closing the door after her I looked around to notice a few people watching. The people at this damn school were so nosey and got off on any gossip. Not caring what they thought I got into the car.

After driving for maybe five minutes Collae hadn't said a word, so I decided to break the silence, again."So cauliflower, do you play any sports or are you in like any clubs?" I asked her as she scrolled through her phone.

"I used to play volleyball, but I stopped once high school began," She shrugged, continuing to scroll. Volleyball would probably explain her firm backside. I smirked to myself.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"Just didn't think I'd be good enough since there were so many girls trying out, I didn't have the passion for real to compete with them," She sighed, "I miss it sometimes but I'm not like you with the whole college athlete plan, to be honest, I don't know what my plan is." She chuckled but I could tell behind that chuckle was a bit of anxiety.

"Well, what do you like? What interests you?" I took a turn almost at our location. I could see her thinking by the corner of my eye for an answer.

"Hmm...Well, I like kids," she hummed, "I would do something with children, I don't want a shitty job and I hate it every day, I'm just trying to get good grades right now so I won't have limitations on where I could go for college. I'm also not really worried about that right now." She kind of dismissed the conversation with a wave of a hand but I enjoyed listening to her talk about herself since she didn't do it much.

"Collae you can do anything you want to, your future is bright my flower," I glanced over at her and she looked away and I swore I saw a crease in her mouth. I wanted to ask her about her past relationships but I decided to wait until we got to the bowling alley.

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