Chapter 2

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On my way to the bathroom I stop halfway,turn around,and walk back into my room.I realized I forgot my portable speaker,I never bath or take a shower,or just basically do anything that has to do with me getting ready,without it.

I quickly remove the charger cable attached to it,I was charging it last night.Now that I have all my things I need for my freshen up session,I can go back to the bathroom.

As soon as I enter the bathroom the first thing I do,is pick a playlist,only songs that I know all the lyrics to.

I quickly undress,step into the shower and start yelling my lungs version of what singing sounds like,while washing up. "IF YOU HAD MY LOVE AND I GAVE YOU ALL MY TRUST WOULD YOU COMFORT ME...da ta...AND IF SOMEHOW YOU KNEW THAT YOUR..."
(Teenage Fever-by Drake)

Damn it who's interrupting my Drake vibe.
"YES?!"I yell.

"Oh pickels...IM DONE MA!"I turn off the water,step out the shower ,dry myself and quickly but carefully brush my teeth.My hair is still wet so...I'll just wrap a towel around my head so that it can dry a bit.I then turn off my speaker,take all my belongings,and head out to my room.

It's now 7:25am and my mom is rushing me like...woman leave me alone I have a watch I know what time it is damn.Since it's the first day of school,I decide to wear something that screams "IM HERE" but at the same time says... "I'm a friendly and sweet human"...yet also at the same time says... "don't look at me I'm not your friend".

After like 3min of arguing with myself...I finally got dressed.Decided to wear my black and white Balanciaga sneaks,Black Skinny jeans,a bright yellow tight crop top,gold hoop earrings...not too big but...big,then I decided to add a gold necklace that says love on too.My navy blue back pack has like...2 notebooks,1 textbook,a pencil,a ruler,a pen,an eraser and a blue highlighter.

I gather everything including my earphones because music is bae...after food of course.As I walk downstairs,I see my sister Sofia or as I call her So-so,running around the kitchen trying to find candy ma hid from her last night.

I know I'm never on time for I don't even bother trying to make it on time for breakfast anymore honestly.Instead of cereal,I grab a pie from the fridge,warm it up and start chowing on my way to the car outside.As soon as I get into the car,Princeton is sitting in the driver's seat.He looks at me and asks with a grin, "Ewww are you sure you washed your face properly?".

I'm in the passenger seat,so I punch his left arm like 5 times till So-so in the back seat cried,coz she was just laughing so hard.

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