Chapter 7

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It's been 8min since the bell rang,and I'm still not in class. "Why am I not surprised?"

You know what...I feel like my hunger being sorted out,is way more important than hearing about wars that don't involve me.

I'm standing ryt outside Mrs.Refbubble's class room. "I've finally arrived...mxm here goes nothing"I twist the door knob and enter.I'm not rude so I at least shut the door behind me.

I don't want to pay attention to all these farts staring at me as if I stole their money.

The second I sit down,Mrs.Refbubble decides to all of a sudden slowly approach my desk.

Im shook...all she does when she gets here is...stare at me.
"Um...Hy...can I help you with something that ?"
She shakes her and says to the class:
"You see students,these are the types of people that will end up asking to take your order for you in the near future."
Only 2 people laughed at her joke,the teacher's pets.Nobody likes Mrs.Refbubble.

(28 min into the period)

Arrrg why am I still here?...You know that feeling you get when listening to a teacher but everything he or she says,goes into one ear and out the other?Or
When the lesson is so boring,you just wanna doze off\catch some z's?

I am literally at war with my own body right now,I'm falling asleep and I can't keep my head up nor can I keep my eyes open much longer.I'll just take a short nap for a bit.

*Zzzzzzzz zzzzzz*

Someone is busy pulling my hair every 2 seconds and it's starting to annoy me.I lift my head up from my sleeping position I was in,and turn to face the person seated behind me.

"What the actual f...hhhhhhmmm"


ouuuuuu mama...who is this...and which factory was he made in...Okay okay keep calm Samantha.
"Hey curly head,the name's me Chris."He said this in that type of tone that gives you goosebumps,that's the only reason why I didn't punch him in his nose for waking me from my nap.

How should I respond...?Oh right...I can say hy back.
"Heeee errrr...I like your feet."
I can tell he's the flirty type and...he's hot too so...damn it.
He smiles,winks,looks me dead in the eyes and says... "Thanks,how sweet of you curly head."

*trrrrrrr trrrrr*

Saved by the bell much?..."Ummm...I'm um...gonna...go now..."

Damn it Saaaaaam why feet?...a simple hey would have been good too.I ran out the class so fast,I almost got a heart attack...I've never had to run because of anything besides food.I'm still shook.

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