Chapter 3

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The fair had yet to begin, and all the students were waiting in the mess hall. Thomas stood by his friends as they awaited their headmaster's instructions. They waited for a long while, until the lights flared out. Some of the students panicked, but others were able to keep them under control. Thomas started towards the doors, in an effort to find the light switch. However, the doors that lead out of the Mess Hall were locked. He tried turning the handles and pushing over and over again, but the doors wouldn't budge. Suddenly, there was a loud crack and everyone's attention was on the stage, where a gleeful looking Rat Man stood.

"Ah children. When this city is mine, I wouldn't want WICKED's best and brightest to get in my way now would I?"

The lightes turned on again, but these lights illuminated from guns. There were people pouring into the room from above, shooting at the students at random. The Mess Hall, which not even five minutes ago had been joyous, was now an execution site. Thomas watched as three of his classmates collapsed, blood spilling in every direction. He stumbled backwards as he registered one of the faces to be Alby. He began to breathe heavily as he watched the life seep out from his friend. Alby coughed and sputtered for a few seconds before he gave a final breath and his eyes glazed over. Thomas gave out a strangled cry, tears beginning to blur his vision as he ran onwards. He wanted to look for his friends, but watching Alby die in front of him had taken its psychological toll on him. He could not bear to watch anyone else pass like that. He kept moving, desperately trying to escape the flying bullets when he saw it. One window in the far back corner of the mess hall. It was closed but not locked. Thomas dashed for it and kicked it out with his boot with as much force as he could muster. He looked back, his vision clearing, as he saw Minho racing towards him, three other students in his wake who Thomas didn't recognize. Minho yelled, "GO!" And Thomas leaped out the window, the other four scrambling behind him.

"N-Newt!?" Thomas cried.

"We have to keep moving," Minho yelled with finality. Thomas swallowed and the five students began running, trying to put as much distance as they could between the school and themselves. They finally reached the bridge that went over Scorch River. Instead of crossing it, however, they took another route that led right underneath the bridge. It was musty and cold, but it was safe.

Thomas finally had a chance to look at minho's three companions. There were two girls and one boy. The boy looked familiar, Chuck was his name. Thomas remembered him as the young boy who have him the tour his first day, but he had grown in the past few years. The two girls were pretty, to say the least. One had ebony skin with dark hair while the other had lighter features and red hair. Minho looked at Thomas after catching his breath,

"Newt...ran after you...but I don't... I don't know what happened..." He stopped as his voice caught.
Thomas bit his lip as he tried not to sob,

"Alby...I watched him...I watched him...die."

He put his face in his hands as he repeated Alby's and Newt's names over and over. The girls were also off sobbing about their friends that they had lost. Only Chuck was alone, motionless. Simply staring off with tears streaming down his face. He didn't even seem to breathe. The five of them coninued to mourn as the sounds of gunshots filled the night air.

And, to their dismay, it was only 8 o'clock.

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