Chapter 1

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Thomas hated the winter.

As he walked through downtown WICKED, his nose turned a shade of red and he, quite literally, believed he was freezing his nuts off. However, he loved the sights. The trees looked barren, but snow seemed to try filling in the gaps left by the leaves that had fallen, with the occasional icicle here or there. He adjusted the scarf around his neck as he continued onward towards the school. It was almost curfew, and he knew Minho would sack him if he was late again. So would Rat Man, but that was another story. He hurried onto campus, the iron gates shutting with a "clang" behind him as he raced up the steps to the Mess Hall. Thomas glanced at his watch. 6:00 exactly. He sighed with relief and hurried to the cafeteria where all the other uniformed boys were. He found Minho and sat down next to him, and across from Newt, who, as usual, was laughing with Alby.

"You owe me twenty, Alby. He came in on time."
"No way! He came into the mess hall at 6:01. I TOTALLY won!"
"No, the gamble was if he got here on time, which he did. Pay up, cheapskate."

They continued bickering as Minho slapped Thomas' shoulder.

"Good to have you back, shuck face," He said, "I was starting to worry I might've had to sneak out to come make out with whoever it is you've been meeting to scare you off."

"Oh please, like she'd pick you over me."

Minho broadened his shoulders and stuck out his chest,

"Look at me, Thomas. She'd choose me over your ugly shuck face any day. Her knees would buckle at the sight of me."

Thomas smirked,

"Yeah, after throwing up first."

Minho laughed and the two friends joined Alby and Newt in their conversation regarding cash as Rat Man took the stage up front. All the boys in the Hall silenced when he cleared his throat.

"Good evening, WICKED Academy Boys." He drawled. Minho began mimicking him by drooping his eyes and fixing his posture and started to mimic a posh frenchman as Rat Man continued,
"I would like to announce that we will be having a joined fair with the students at the WICKED Academy for Girls on the other side of the river. I know many of you are familiar with the institution," He seemed to linger his gaze at Thomas as he spoke, "and it should also be known that any 'funny bussiness' with any of the girls during the fair will result in severe consequences."

A couple of the boys snickered as Rat Man ended his speech with the usual "Stop calling me degrading names, call me by my esteemed name 'Headmaster Janson'" crap that none of the boys ever listened to. Newt was busily eyeing Thomas and noticeably winking,

"So you're GIRLFRIEND'S gonna be there, right?"

Thomas blushed slightly as the other boys laughed. Winston walked over and slapped him on the shoulder,

"Your girlfriend has some friends? Cuz I would love to have a lady friend to help me with some chemistry."

Thomas couldn't help but laugh at the lame joke. Everyone knew science was Winson's least favorite thing in the world. He liked politics and history more.

"Whatever, dude."

"So what's her name again?"

"Brenda." Thomas replied.

"Sounds lame. What about a sexy name. Like Harriet?" Alby questioned.

Newt laughed, "If anything, I'm pretty sure Newt is the sexiest name you can muster."

The boys laughed and joked until the sun set, making their way to their rooms. Each dormitory was shared by five people; Thomas shared his dorm with Minho, Newt, Alby, and Winston. The boys did homework as they talked but settled into bed quickly after.
Thomas thought of the day he had with Brenda, how she had looked quite pretty that day with her long hair in a loose ponytail with a cute hat on her head. But then he remembered what she had told him about another person.
"His name's Aris and he's sooooo awesome!" She cried. Thomas couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He pushed the thought away and instead fell into a deep slumber.

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