Chapter 11

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Teresa approached her friends and formulated a plan. Thomas was surprised at how calmly she discussed killing a man, much less a man he had known practically his entire life.

Now, Thomas hated Ratman in more ways then one, and the same probably went for most of the boys at his school. However, there were sometimes moments, it seemed, that Ratman didn't hate the boys as much as he let on. That, sometimes, his strict rules and overbearing regulations were to protect the boys and keep them safe. Thomas, though he hated to admit it to himself, saw Ratman as a sort of father for the past few years.

To see him change like that was... well, unorthodox.

He was upset, to say the least, and maybe Ratman was acting. Whatever it was, they had to end his reign of terror tonight. Then, as Teresa had mentioned, the six of them were going to escape to a neighboring city, never to return to WICKED ever again.

Teresa drilled the plan into Minho and Thomas's brains until they could recite it word for word. Only then, her shoulders relaxed and she got up. It was a difficult plan that relied on a lot of luck and precision. Thomas felt nauseous just thinking about it again. And yet, it seemed like the best way to do what they had to.

They had made a refuge in an empty tent, and their plan would go into action the second the three of them exited the tent. Teresa put her helmet on once more, and the other two followed. She gave them a nod and exited the tent. Thomas and Minho waited exactly two minutes before positioning themselves. Thomas had his back to the front flap of the tent and Minho stood in front of him. Minho whispered a quick apology before shoving Thomas out of the tent. Thomas flew out and landed on the grass with a thud. A few of the guards turned to look at them, but not all. Minho then came out from the tent and began punching Thomas in the stomach, repeatedly. He could see black spots forming around his vision, and screamed. That caught just about everyone's attention within a 5 yard radius, which was all they needed. Thomas kicked Minho off him and went to punch him before Minho slid from under him, pinning Thomas to the ground. He flailed around for a moment before turning onto his back and kicking Minho off and punched him in the groin. A few of the guards had surrounded them and began cheering them on until two men, with their masks off, separated them. Thomas shook of the one holding him, and started walking in the opposite direction after screaming at Minho once.

All part of the plan.

Thomas continued onward as Minho walked in a different direction, towards the group of Guards near Ratman's tent.

Another guard then began to approach Thomas. Thomas froze, but then relaxed when the guard gave him the signal that Teresa had created for them. He then realized he had not recognized the guard as Teresa since her breast area seemed larger than before when she was in the suit.

Not that Thomas had paid very close attention to it before...

She continued to the tent where Minho was supposed to be stationed.

Everything, so far, was running smoothly.

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