Chapter 13

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Almost as if on cue, Thomas ran for Ratman. Minho ducked at another soldier shot at him and Teresa roundhouse kicked a man behind her and grabbed his gun and shot it in the air twice.


None of the soldiers moved. Most of them were eyeing Ratman, who was now in a head-hold by Minho who held a blade to his throat .Thomas pointed Ratman's gun near one of the guards. Thomas shot his foot and he collapsed, screaming in agony. And still, no one moved. So, Teresa stuck her hand down the top part of her suit and pulled out the little contraption from a secret pocket as she called out the number one. The men then began to scurry out of the tent faster than Thomas anticipated. After 5 seconds, the tent consisted of only Ratman, Thomas, Teresa, and Minho. Thomas grabbed the syringe filled with the poison that the medical man had given him and injected the poison into his Headmaster. They locked eyes as Thomas injected the poison deeper and deeper into Ratman's body. Ratman held Thomas's gaze, his filled with hatred, before coughing and falling back. The three friends took off their helmets, looked at each other, and looked at the bomb in Teresa's hand.

"C'mon." Minho said, "Set that thing up then let's get out of here before it blows."

He turned to leave and Thomas nearly followed him, but Teresa didn't move a muscle. She looked at the device calmly and put her finger on a wire hanging from the contraption. She looked at Thomas and Minho.

"It's not automatic." She announced, calmly, "it's manual. Someone has to stay and detonate it."

Thomas gaped at her.

"Then forget about blowing this place up!" He announced, "We killed Ratman! This base will fail anyways!"

Teresa gave Thomas a weak smile and a shake of her head and Thomas felt his stomach plummet.

"Thomas, if we don't blow the base up, then the device that Ratman was developing all these years will still exist. The one he was going to use to 'cleanse' the city."

Teresa gave Thomas a pitiful look,

"I helped to create that device." She added.

Minho looked up at her and Thomas stared at Teresa in shock.

"I didn't know what it would be used for at first," she said, "but I thought that it was just a fun activity. So when Ratman came to me and said it was a private project I should've suspected." She lowered her head, tears in her eyes, "But I was blinded by my own creation. It's my fault that Chuck and Newt and all the students at our school are dead. It's only fitting I do something to stop this."

Thomas and Minho stared at her for a few seconds before Minho cleared his throat.

"Thomas," he croaked, "The guards will come back soon if they see the place doesn't blow. We need to get-"

Thomas gave Minho an incredulous look which shut him up. He then turned back to Teresa.

"There's no way I'm letting you die-"

But whatever Thomas wanted to say was lost, for Teresa stepped forward and pressed her lips against Thomas's, tears streaming down her face. Thomas was taken aback at first but slowly brought his right hand to her lower back and pressed her towards him. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity before Minho coughed and they separated.

"Now I'm definitely not letting you leave." Thomas croaked.

Teresa looked at him with those bright blue eyes, glistening with tears. She then nodded to Minho. Thomas did not know what that meant, but apparently Minho did. He came rushing forward and grabbed Thomas and pulled him towards the exit.

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