Chapter 12

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Thomas walked into the tent with the Red Cross on it and approached the man in it. He was in a suit, same as Thomas and his friends, but his helmet was off and his gaze was targeted towards everything outside. Thomas coughed and the man turned, his crazy eyes fixing in Thomas.

"You fought?" He asked, pointing a bony finger in the general direction Thomas approached from.

"I did." Thomas grumbled. "I need something to help me with him."

The old man have him a crooked and vicious smile.

"All in good pay." He included.

Thomas fished into his pocket and pulled out a little but of the money that Harriet had given to Teresa before she had departed (She may or may not have accidentally taken all the money from the cash registers in a few of the stores). He handed the cash to the old man as he fingered it gingerly.

"Wonderful." He said. He stuffed the cash into his pocket and stumbled to the back of the tent.

He returned a few moments later with a little bottle of blue fluid and a syringe.

"This will knock someone out as soon as you inject them with it," the old man mumbled, excitedly, "the poison will kick in within the hour, but he'll still be passed out when it happens. Slow, painless, and almost untraceable." The old man handed the objects to Thomas, who tried to take them with a steady hand. He nodded at the man and hurried out of the tent.

He then began to walk towards the big tent near the back of the park. Obviously, Ratman would be stationed here. He entered the tent and sought out the two familiar bodies of Minho and Teresa. He found them with the help of Teresa's signal. He approached the two. They could not speak, but a quick squeeze of Teresa's hand made Thomas feel better. The tent was filled with soldiers, all awaiting Ratman and his orders.

A few minutes pass and Ratman enters, silencing a few of the soldiers. He gazed over the small crowd as he cleared his throat.

"Men," he began, "our plan cannot commence until we find the remaining six children from those schools. They're still somewhere in the city; our spies along the borders have reported no one leaving the premises, so they're definitely still here. Plus, one of them was killed last night. Which means they can't be far. However, we noticed some disturbances around the perimeter. So it is very likely the children are in our camp."

A few of the men shuffled nervously. Thomas mimicked their movements, trying to blend in. Ratman then looked around the room and paused where Minho was standing,

"They could very well be," Ratman continued looking directly at Minho, "right in front of us."

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