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Monday, September 4, 2000

I woke up at 7:00 am. I got straight out of bed and used Astoria's makeup. I put on my robes with a white t-shirt and jeans underneath. I brushed my bushy hair out of my face and walked back to my bed I realized it was now 8:00 and I only had an hour till classes started. I walked over to Luna's bed and woke her up. "Luna, we have an hour till D.A.D.A wake-up!" I then walked over to Astoria's bed and whispered, "I threw away all of your makeup." She then jumped out of bed and ran to our bathroom to check. Pansy was still sleeping. I then saw Astoria walk out of the bathroom. "The real reason I woke you up was that class starts in an hour," I told Astoria. She then went back to the bathroom and finished getting ready. I grabbed my books, stuffed them in my bag, then walked out the door and down the stairs with my bag.

I looked at the couch and saw Draco sitting there. I sat next to him and said, "Hey Draco!" He smiled. "Hey, Babe!" I smiled and read his book over his shoulder. He laughed and asked me what I was doing. "Nothing!" I said sarcastically. We were both laughing until I heard Ginny yelling from outside the portrait. I laughed. "Bye Babe!" I told Draco and kissed him on the cheek. "Wait! I thought you were going to class with the Slytherin Gang!" Draco told me as I was walking away. "Oh, I forgot to tell you! Sorry, Babe, but I never get to spend time with her anymore!" I complained to Draco. "You saw her yesterday!" Draco joked. "Uh..." I ran out of the portrait before he got me to stay.

"'Mione, wait!" Draco yelled. "What, Draco?" I asked. "I'm walking with you!" he said casually. Ginny and I laughed, "Are you sure you want to be alone with us?" Gin asked him. "Yeah, sure! I get to spend more time with 'Mione so..." Draco said. "Awww... thanks Draco, but trust me you do not want to walk to class with us," I told Draco. He laughed, "It can't be that bad!" Draco said to me. Ginny laughed, "Oh trust me it is!" Gin joked. "Okay fine! I will stay back!" Draco said. "Okay, babe, see you later!" I said as I turned my head toward Ginny and started walking.

I loved talking with Gin, she always knew how to make laugh. Gin and I walked to the Great Hall and talked. I then waited for me to spot the Slytherin gang and join them. I spotted a certain platinum blonde and walked up to him. "Hey, Babe!" I told Draco when I spotted him. " Hey!" Draco said as he kissed me on the cheek. "Walk me to D.A.D.A?" I asked him. "Yeah, of course!" he told me. He put his arm around me then started walking towards D.A.D.A.


I sat down next to Draco and surprisingly, Pansy sat next to me. " 'Mione, please?" Pansy begged. "Pansy! You betrayed my trust!" I yelled at Pansy. "Come on, 'Mione! We said we wouldn't date each other's exes! You are dating Draco!" Pansy yelled. "Shhhh! The only person not in Slytherin that knows Draco and I are dating is Ginny! Also, you and Draco were never dating!" I was truly mad at Pansy, I mean, like, she came over and started yelling at me! Who does that! "Yeah, we were, Hermione!" she said back to me. "No, we weren't!" Draco yelled at Pansy. "That's it! I am done!" I then went over to the Gryffindor table and sat with Ginny.

"What are you doing 'Mione?" Harry asked me. "Getting away from the drama that is my life!" I replied. Ginny laughed. "You deserve a vacay girl!" Ginny told me. "Yes, I do! Winter break is so far away!" Ginny, Harry, and I laughed lunch away.

After Class

I went back to the Slytherin Common Room. I went to the couches and pulled out my book. I ignored the fact that Theo, Blaise, and 4 other Slytherin guys were staring at me. I looked up and said, "Okay, is my mascara smudged!" I yelled. "What?" Blaise asked me. "Why are you all staring at me?" I asked them. "Uh... It's just... that you sorta... smashed your apple on the table then... umm... walked to the Gryffindor table..." Blaise had trouble getting that out. "I don't care if I did something to upset you or anything like that! It's impolite to stare at anyone, especially a lady!" I yelled at them. I stood up from the couch and walked to the other side of the room where my friends were.

A/N Thank you all so much for reading! I'm not sure if I will be posting tomorrow I am leaving for New York in 1 hour (5:00 am). Thank you all for reading and voting for my stories!

(841 Words)

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