Slug Club Party

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Mature Language

Monday, September 18, 2000

I was still up at 1 am finishing the invites. I included Draco, Astoria, Pansy, and Luna for Blaise and Ginny were already apart of the slug club. I put them all in my bed stand drawer and went to sleep. 

I woke up extremely tired but I managed to lug myself out of bed. I went to my closet and took out my robes. The folded robes I placed on top of the sink as I got in the shower. It didn't take me very long. I quickly got out and changed. I heard a knock on the door and I yelled. "Coming!" I yelled running from the bathroom. I opened the door to see Draco. "Hey!" I said walking out. "Hey!" He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I laughed. "I have to finish getting ready!" I said giving him a peck on the lips and turned around. I closed the door and pulled on the robes. I did some light makeup and walked out of the room.

I hopped over the silver couch so I was sitting next to Draco. I gave him a peck on the cheek and he put his arm around me. We stood up as we were leaving. We walked to Professor Slughorn's office and I dropped off the invites. I gave Draco a passionate kiss as we walked out. I hopped on his back as we walked to Defence Against the Dark Arts.

After Class

We were walking out of class when I ran into Romilda. "Oh hi, Romilda..." I said giving her the stink eye. "Granger!" She said walking past me. "Ronald invited me to the Slug Club Party on Saturday! Im excited to make your life a living hell!" She said flipping her hair. "Good Luck, Bitch!" I said turning back to Draco. She pulled out her wand and aimed it at me. We continued walking when I pulled out my wand and disarmed her. Draco laughed giving me a kiss. "You will burn in hell!" She yelled down the corridor. "Keep talking, Vane!" I yelled giving Draco a kiss.

Once we got back to the Common Room Draco high fived me. "How are you so good at that?" He asked hugging me. "Eh, it's easy when you're talking to someone you really hate!" I said shrugging it off. I gasped. "Gin and I have to go dress shopping!" I squealed. 

"What is this I hear about dress shopping?" Astoria said walking into the room. "Tori! Get Pansy! You, Pansy, Gin, and I are going dress shopping" I said hugging her. "For what, I may ask?" She said formally. "Umm... where did Astoria go? The Tori  I know would never ask!" I said releasing her from the hug. "I just want to know what kind of dress to buy!" She defends. "You'll see! Get a party dress!" I say hugging her again. She ran upstairs to tell Pans while I waited for them.

Tori and Pans were soon running down the stone stairs. I laughed as I kissed Draco goodbye. We ran to the Gryffindor Common Room. I whispered the password and barged into the portrait I ran upstairs to Ginny and I's old common room. "We're going shopping! You have 5 minutes before I personally drag you by your hair extensions!" I yelled slamming the door. I sat down on the scarlet couch and smiled as I talked with my Slytherin friends.

We waited for 2 minutes before Ginny came running down. We all apparated to the dress shop in Hogsmeade. I was looking at a short gold dress. I took it off to the changing room. I looked at myself in the mirror. It didn't look good on me but it would look good Astoria. "TORI!" I yelled. I held the dress up to her as she ran in. "Try this on!" I said passing it to her. 

She came out soon after. "How do I look?" She asked. "You look amazing! You should get it!" I said hugging her. "I think I will!" She said going back into the changing room and pulling back on her normal clothes. We walked back to Ginny who was looking at a dark green cocktail dress. "Gin, green is not your colour!" I said taking the dress. "Yes, but it will look amazing on you!" She said handing me the dress and pushing me to the changing room. I tried it on.

I looked at the dress and how it perfectly fit my curves. I walked out of the changing room feeling elegant. "Oh my god! 'Mione..." Gin said. "Y- You look..." Pansy continued. "Gorgeous!" Draco said walking in. I blushed. He walked up to me and kissed me. I laughed. "I should get changed!" I said turning around and walking into the changing room. I changed back into my sweatshirt and jeans and returned holding the beautiful dress.

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