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Mia's POV

     Today is January 5th. The Christmas holidays away from school were great but I miss school.

    Not my fault though, I'm a nerd and I like school. I'm 17 and I have a younger brother who is fourteen.

My brother is a prankster and really annoying to be honest, we are surprisingly close to. I'm so glad he doesn't go to my school at the moment.

    When I'm at school, I'm not the same as I am at home. When I'm at home me and my brother prank each other. When I'm at school I work hard and I'm super friendly.

"SIS HELP ME!!!" That's my brother Connor. I quickly got up making a run out of my room and into Connors. Then suddenly my brother dumps a bucket of water on me.

"Oh no you didn't!" I give him a death glare.

"Oh yes I did." He smirks.
Well, until I tackled him right to the ground hard. He groans in pain.

"NO GET OFF, YOUR TO FAT!!!" He yells so loud, I died laughing.

"Now my shirt is wet." He sighs and puts a frown on his face, meanwhile I get up and start to walk away. This isn't my problem.

"CLEAN IT UP!" I hear my mom yell.

"Yeah Connie, clean it up!" I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

He hates being called Connie but don't worry he has a nickname for me.

"Miiiiiii!" He yells, and that's it. I don't hate the nickname, I only hate it when he does a really high pitch voice and because it's a very stupid nickname.

I walked into my bright blue room and sat in my window seat. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it's already 7:00pm.

I get up and run to the washroom to start my shower until I slip and fall.

"Son of a-" I'm cut off.

"Mia, language!" My brother yells. I sigh and get up, great now my back hurts.

I have my shower and get into some pyjamas. I normally wear a tank top and a pair of sport shorts. It's not my fault, there so comfy to sleep in.
    I head into the bathroom and put my hair into 2 braids. Then head back to my room to sleep in my comfy bed since I don't want to deal with my family right now.

As I lay on my bed, I wonder what school was going be like tomorrow.

I mean people change a lot over the holidays, right?

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