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Mia's POV

Back to school, I haven't been to school for a couple days thanks to this breakup.

   "Hey babes!" Lily says hugging me.

   "Hey gorgeous." Shawn comes up being lily hugging her.

   "No way!" I say shocked.

   "Yes way!" Lily squeals, "it's only been a couple weeks but it's great." She looks so happy with Shawn.

   "Shawn you could of told me at the beach!" I punch him.

   "Lily wanted to tell you herself which is also another reason I saved you from drowning." He says still holding onto Lily.

   "Yeah you sick person! What the hell were you thinking?" Lily says trying to punch me but, Shawn stops her. Everyone knows Lily can punch really hard when she's mad.

   "I wasn't thinking, there's no point on me being here. I lost him." I say looking behind Shawn. They turn around and they see Eric, then they turn back to me.

   "He'll come back." Lily says placing her hand on my arm.

   "Will you people stop saying that!" I yell so loud that Eric is looking at what's going on.

  "Mia you made a crowd." Lily whispers into my ear.

   "I don't care, you think he's coming back but, he's not!" I yell again, I go to hurt Shawn because he said it first but, I'm stopped by Eric.

   "Lily let's go, we've pissed her off." Shawn says taking lily by the hand and walking away.

   "What's wrong?" Eric says picking me up and taking me somewhere more private.

   "Why do you care?" I ask angrily.

   "Ok fine." He puts me down and walks away slowly.

   "He's gone." I whisper to myself. I slowly slide down the wall and cry.

   I cry more.

   After a couple minutes I hear something.

   "This is your fault!" I think I hear Shawn's voice. I look up and look around but, stop when I see Shawn and Eric talking. Well technically yelling but still.

   "How? I didn't do anything." I hear Eric.

   "You broke her heart when you were the most important thing to her, didn't you see how much she cared for you? How much she loved you? You thought you couldn't protect her when you were protecting her the whole time but, you couldn't even realize." Shawn looked at me then back to Eric. I got up and met Eric's eyes.

   Once I caught Eric's eyes I stood there for a second. Then looked away and walked out of the school.

  "Woah woah woah. Wait." I heard Eric's voice following me.

   "Just leave me alone." I firmly say.


   "You want to ask why? How about the fact that you left me and now your chasing after me." I turn around fast as he stops in his tracks. He didn't say anything, he just looked to the ground, guilt spreading all over his face.

   "A little speechless now, huh?" I turn and started to walk away again. I feel someone grab me, turn me around and put here lips on mine. I pulled away and locked eyes with the person in front of me. Eric.

   "You broke up with me and now you think you can just kiss me?" I see his eyes starting to tear up.

   "It was a mistake." He says softly.

   "It was a mistake to date me or a mistake to break up with me?" I ask.

   "To break up with you, it was a mistake. I felt like I wasn't protecting you." He states. I didn't say anything, I just turned and walked away. He kept chasing after me.

   "Mia plea-" I cut him off.

   "Please what? You broke up with me!" I yell. I ran home, I couldn't listen to this anymore. It was a mistake! No you chose to do it. Once I got home I started making dinner cause I needed to do something. I made hamburger helper with salad.

   After everyone ate, I cleaned the whole house. Literally the whole house, Connors room, my parents room. I went out and bought flowers for the garden. I cleaned the eavesdrops, I literally clean the whole house.

   I looked at the time and realized it was 10pm. I started a shower and made the temperature just how I like it. I strip out of my clothes and have a shower.

   Once I finished my shower I put my hair into 2 French braids and get into pjs. I brush my teeth, wash my face and head to bed.

   Who the hell does Eric think he is trying to kiss me? He broke up with me!

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