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Eric's POV

"Noooooo!" I heard a yell, I opened my eyes and realized that Mia had been scared awake.

"Mia, what happened?" I sit up putting my hand on her lower back to make sure she was ok.

"It was just a nightmare." She said, a little bit out of breath. I climbed over her and off my bed to get her some water. I was worried about her, I walked back and gave her the water as I looked at Dhilans bed. He was laying there asleep, the worst part was, he looked happy.

"Thanks." She says. I look back to her and she's also looking at Dhilan. She had horror on her face, she was terrified of him.

"Don't worry about him, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you again." I say firmly. There was no way in hell he was touching Mia ever again. I took the cup back and she made her way to the other side of the bed.

  "I don't want to be near him." She said.

  "I don't want you near that window." I say back to her. She moves back to the side she was on before. I walk back to the little kitchen we have in the trailer and put her cup in the sink. I looked at the time, it was only 5 in the morning.

  I walked back to the bed and crawled over to my side. I laid facing her as she faced me. I turned onto my back and she put her head back on my chest. We then fell asleep again.

  I woke up to find Mia gone. Ok, I was worried, where is Mia? I got out of bed and saw that she was cooking me breakfast.

  "Oh, your awake." She says giving me a warm smile.

  "Here, let me take over. You should really rest." I say, she started making eggs and croissants which weren't hard to finish up.

  "Thanks Eric." She says to me, I look at her, her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

  "Any pain today?" I can't help it, she's different. I actually care about her.

  "Yes." She says, starting to cry again.

  "Mia I didn't me-" She cuts me off.

  "You didn't."

  "When did Dhilan leave?" I curiously ask.

  "About 10 minutes ago." She said, she looked like she was keeping something from me.

  "Mia, what happened?" She sighs.

  "He slapped me across the face but it doesn't matter, I'm fine." She says.

  "Your not fine, he's caused you enough pain." I said putting food onto plates and walking outside to the little table I have on a little porch.

  She follows me outside. We sit down beside each other instead of across from each other. I walk back inside quickly to get silverware, I looked at the time. Was it seriously only 7:30?

  Once we finished eating, I did dishes while Mia laid on the couch watching 'greys anatomy'.

  When I finished the dishes, I went to lay on the couch with her but she was asleep. If I were her, I would be exhausted. I wrote a note on a piece of paper saying I'd be back in 20 minutes and that I locked the door.

  I walked out of the trailer grabbed my keys and locked the door. I walked across the street to this ice cream, cake and cupcake place called 'tasty sweets'.

  I walked inside and grabbed a little vanilla cake. I also grabbed 2 cups full of ice cream. For the ice cream I grabbed vanilla and put some m&ms on them. I then paid and walked back. I came back to the trailer and opened the door to a wide awake Mia.

  "I bought some things." I say walking to the counter. I grabbed 2 spoons and gave her 1 of the ice creams.

  Since my couch was like an L, I laid one way while I had her head on my chest and she was laying the other way.

  "Thank you for everything Eric." She looks up to me and smiles. I realized that while I was gone she grabbed the ice again and put it back on her stomach.

   "Anything for you." I send her a wink. She got up putting the half eaten ice cream on the ground.

   She walked to my closet and grabbed another pair of jogging pants and a loose white t-shirt.

  "I hope you don't mind." She said to me while walking into the bathroom.

  "I don't mind at all." I whisper to myself.

  She walked out of the bathroom smiling, damn she looked better in my clothes then I did. She came back and put her head on my chest while she grabbed her ice cream and started eating it again.

  Right now we were watching a kids movie called 'the good dinosaur'. Mia said she wanted to cry and apparently this movie is sad. I can tell, the dad died already and I could feel myself tearing up.

  Nope, come one Eric be like a man! You don't cry. But there was something about Mia that made me soft, I just don't know what it is.

It was now the evening, Dhilan came home once but he moved out of the trailer due to the fact that he apparently can't stand Mia. I got up front being on the couch and grabbed 2 sweaters. One for Mia and one for me.

  "Come on, we're going somewhere." I say giving her the sweater.

  "Ok?" She questioned me. She put the sweater on and smiles. "It smells like you." She smelled it, then followed me to my car where she got in the passenger seat and I got in the driver seat. I started up the car and as we drove, Mia started humming to the song 'there's nothing holding me back'. I turned it up a little bit and that's when she started full on singing.

  "Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing mmhmmm." She started at that part, her voice was amazing. She was amazing, she's beautiful and she was just... her.

  After about 30 more minutes of driving, we made it to the beach, we walked on the dock and sat at the edge as I realized the sun was starting to set.

  "Just in time." I said looking at the beautiful sky.

  "Huh?" She asks looking at me.

  "The sun is setting." I say.

  I watched out the corner of my eye, she looked at the sky and a smile came on her face.

  I get up and turn myself to her and she does the same. I looked her deep in the eyes I started to lean in and she did the same until our foreheads were touching. I made the move, I went for her pink warm lips. At first the kiss was gentle and sweet, but as we kept kissing, the kiss got more powerful, it had more meaning. I was falling for her.

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