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Mia's POV

   It's that day, the day Eric was taking me somewhere. I don't know where but I'm hoping we are going somewhere that has to do with a sunset. I decide on wearing a dress that looks like this.

     I then go to do my hair and makeup

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     I then go to do my hair and makeup. I put my hair in some natural waves and start doing my make up. I put some blush, eye liner, mascara, eye shadow and lipstick on. I check the time and it's 4 pm. I hear the door bell rings as I grab my white flats and my jean jacket. I walk down the stairs to see my parents talking to Eric. He looks to me and smiles.

  "Hey beautiful." I smile.

  "Hey handsome." He gives me a peck on the lips. We then make our way out the door waving to my parents. He opened the car door for me and I got in. He shut the door and walked to his door getting into the car.

  "Where we going?" I asked as he backed out of the drive way.

  "Can't tell you." He smiles holding my hand.

  "Not fair." I give him my best pouty face. He chuckles.

  "Yes it is, I'm trying to surprise you."

  "Is it another sunset? A waterfall. A Clift that we can sit on?" He stayed silent for a minute.

  "Just wait." He puts my hand to his mouth giving it a kiss. I felt my face heat up. He looks to me and starts to laugh.

  "Shut up." I playfully punch his arm.

  "Didn't hurt." He smirks.

  "It wasn't meant to hurt." I glare at him. We drive for at least 10 minutes before we reach an ice cream place.

  "First stop." He opens the door for me.

  "First?" I ask confused.

  "I'm not just taking you for ice cream." We walk up and I order my vanilla ice cream, he does the same and pays for it. We then start eating our ice cream as I follow him.

  "Take off your shoes and put them in the car." He says taking his shoes and socks off. I take my flats off, putting them in the car.

  "Where we going now?" I ask.

  "Just come with me." He says holding my hand as he takes me to the beach. We walk along the water. Once Eric finishes his ice cream he moves his hand to my waist pulling me closer to him.

  It's been like 1 minute since he finished his ice cream and I've finally finished mine. He steps up onto the dock giving me a hand up and walks to the the end, sitting on the wood, patting a place for me to sit. He puts his hand back on my waist and clears his throat.


   "Yeah?" I ask.

   "Your so pretty." He says starting to play with my hair. "Beautiful?"

   "Yes Eric?" He stands up.

   "We have one more place to go." He says

    "Really?" He grabs my hand helping me up.

    "Yup." We walk back to his car and hop in. He drives for a few minutes checking the time.

   We spend at least 5 more minutes driving when we arrive at this place. Trees around, he opens the door taking my hand in his. We walk through the forest and we end up at this place. A cliff that has a blanket and a basket. Lights on trees, a water fall 30 feet beside us.

  "Eric!" Cover my mouth with my hands.

  "Like it?" He asks standing in front of me.

  "I love it!" I jump onto him. He holds me tight like he didn't want to let me go. He never wants to let me go, that's what makes me feel so safe. He finally let's go as he takes my hand in his. We walk over to the blanket sitting down and he takes out chocolate covered strawberries, some watermelon and cantaloupe. All my favourite fruits or vegetables, I don't know which are which.

   "I can't believe you did all this!" I'm literally so happy right now.

  "Mia, I meant it when I said you were different from the other girls. I like you a lot."

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