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Mia's POV

   It's been at least a week since the incident in the hall. It's time for the 2nd semester to start which means all new classes, last semester I had math, gym, art and science. This semester I'm suppose to be in geography, technology, French and English. I have to admit I'm not excited for new classes. Why am I not excited? Well I don't like sitting beside new people because I can be shy at first and have a little trouble making friends.

Today I decided to wear ripped jeans with a grey crop top that says "don't go with the flow". And of course my black vans. I straightened my hair then put 2 small braids in my brown hair and tied them together. For makeup I put some mascara on and some blush like usual.

  I walked downstairs grabbed an apple and walked out the door. I got into my car and drove myself to school.
    When I got to the school, I quickly got out of my car and walked to the school going inside. I went to my locker and saw Lily.

"Hey!" I say giving her a tight hug.

"Hey, so what classes do you have this semester?" She asks me.

"Geography, French, English and technology. What about you?" I'm hoping she has at least one class with me.

"Math, science, gym and English." She says, ok, just because she has English doesn't mean we are in the same class, but I'm hoping we are.

"I had 3 of those last semester!" I say and she laughs. It's like me and Lily never have a class together. They always separate us, it's stupid.


"See ya later Lily." I walk away and head to my first class. Geography.I sit down at the back. I wonder who's gonna sit beside me. I watch as more people come into the classroom followed by Mr Bad Boy.He walks through the classroom and ends up sitting beside me, great.

"Hey nerdy girl!" He says looking at me. Really? He's going to tease me at how nerdy I am? Sorry but, I want freaking good grades!

For the rest of the class he's either looking at me or looking at the front of the room but, mostly looking at me.

  "What?!" I'm starting to get annoyed at him staring at me.

  "Nothing." He puts his hands up in defence.

  "Go hook up with some girl and leave me alone."


Let's go, time for English.

"See ya later beautiful!" I stare at him then, I roll my eyes, leaving the room and make my way to English class which isn't far. I take a seat beside this girl in the middle back, she looks a little scared.

"Hi, I'm Mia!" I say excitingly. A smile grows on her face, she's super pretty.

"Hi, I'm Lila, I was hoping a girl would seat with me. My last class had a guy who sat next to me and was like moving closer to me." She says.

"Oh yeah? What's his name?" When will guys stop, we aren't toys they can mess with.

"Shawn, Shawn Mikes." She says, looks like she's got herself a bad boy or maybe just a guy in a gang, but I don't care about the bad boys. For English we didn't really do much, the teacher just let us talk for the first class which was awesome. I got to know Lila. Lila has dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes and a few freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her favourite colour is purple. She likes music and art and she is super nice.


There was the bell for lunch, Lila me and Lily sat together since I didn't want to leave Lila alone. Having a new girl alone isn't good at least it's not good for me. Lila and Lily really hit it off. The bell rang after we had a bunch of laughs and smiles. I went to my next class but it wasn't as fun as the first to classes. I mean sure I knew some people in my class. French was never my favourite subject. Also this person sat beside me, but she doesn't talk at all and it was quite weird to be honest.

Lastly technology, nope I'm not good at it. Yes, I don't like it either. I sat down with one seat available on my right and one on the left. Lila walked in the doors and her face lit up when she saw me. She came and sat down. Then He walked in the door.

"Hey beautiful, this seat taken?" He says sitting beside me. I didn't answer him, I don't want to even look or talk to him. He took the seat next to me when he heard nothing come out of my mouth. Again, he was mostly looking at me this class, but I was so happy when the bell rang. I got out of my seat and walked to my locker. Lily wasn't at hers so I assumed she already left.I walked to my car and drove home. I love driving so much, it's like I'll never stop driving.

   When I got home I walked into the house and left my bag at the door only to find my step Dad staring at me.

"Hi?" I say.

"We have to go somewhere get in the car." He says firmly grabbing a jacket. It looked like a gang jacket, 'Pain Gang' is what it said.

  I went out to the car and got in while he followed my movements, I wasn't going to fight him because he can be real scary sometimes. I hate him! We arrived at a park that looked not even like a park. It's like a tornado went through it or something. But then there's also trailers, but what for?

I got of the car and saw a bunch of people wearing the jacket my step Dad has. Since when was my Dad in a gang and most importantly, what was I doing here? I look around and see Shawn, what the heck?!?!? I look around and notice there's no other girls apart of this gang.

"Mia." I hear my step Dad say, I then see a guy turn around. It's....its... its...


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