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Mias POV

After a couple hours of me sleeping we drove to my house to eat some dinner.

"Connor!" My step dad yells.

"Coming." He says running down the stairs. Where he then misses a step and starts doing summer salts.

"Oh my god!" I yell, dying of laughter as he hits the bottom of the stairs.

"Ow!" He yells. At this point Eric starts laughing

"A-are... y-you... ok?" I ask dropping to the floor and still laughing hard as I stutters.

"Shut up!" He yells getting up and walking like a drunk person to the kitchen until he trips over himself and falls to the ground.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I scream, laughing so hard to the point where I can barely breath.

"Oh my god, Connor!" Eric says gripping his knees as he laughs.

"Mia!" My mom yells. I get up walking towards the kitchen when I walk into a wall. At this point everyone is dying of laughter as I'm tying to stand up again.

"Eric!" I whine.

"What? This just happens to be a very hilarious dinner." He says trying not to fall over, laughing makes him weak.

"I hate you." I say walking away from him and into the kitchen.

"Ouch." He puts his hand over his heart.

"Aww you big baby." I laugh. Just then my brother trips over the chair at the island, I start laughing again.

"Alright what do you people need!" Connor yells in frustration.

"Connor, you and Mia will set the table." She says.

"Fine." I say.

"Oh and don't trip or run into a wall." She says starting to laugh as she stirs the spaghetti sauce.

"Don't jinx it mom!" I yell putting plates out on the table.

   "Well sorry but I don't want anything broken!" She yells, everyone's face is red from all the laughing.

   Once dinner is done being cooked, we all sit down and talk about normal stuff.

  "So have you unpacked anything at the trailer?" My mom asks.

  "Nope, she fell asleep right when we got there." Eric says quickly before I could lie.

  The house went silent as everyone ate. It was... quiet. For once.

   "Connors doing dishes." My mom says grabbing plates and taking them to the kitchen.

   "Haha sucker!" I point at him.

   "Mia? Do you wanna do them instead?" My mom says glaring at me.

  "No." I reply.

   Everyone takes there drinks to the living room where we play a few board games.

   First we play charades and guess who's acting, Me. Let's get this straight, I cannot act at all. Like if my life depended on me acting to save myself. I would die.

   "Uh eating?" See I'm trying to act out driving... I told you I would die if my life depended on this.

  "Drinking? Stealing?" Everyone is trying to guess right as Connor walks into the room.

  "Driving!" Connor says, he's the only one that knows my acting. We used to play this in my room everyday so that we'd be good at drama.

  "How is that driving?" Eric asks confused.

  "I'm not a good actor ok?" He holds his hands up in defence.

   After a couple more rounds we decide to change to a movie.

   "Miracles of heaven, warms bodies...." My mom is saying a bunch of moving titles off Netflix.

   "Miracles of heaven!" Me and Connor say in sync. Miracles of heaven is a sad movie. A girl has this stomach thing, later in the movies she falls down the middle of a tree and BOOM! She's healed.

   My mom puts the movie on and sits on the couch with dad. Connor on another couch and me and Eric snuggling on the last couch.

   It's at a sad part where the girl who's sick is puking in the bathroom. I think it's sad so I start crying. I've watched this movie hundreds of time and cry every time. I think Eric hears me crying cause I feel a hand rubbing my back. I look up to him and he looks down to me. I put my head back down on his chest as I feel my eyes starting to shut. I close my eyes for a second but they don't open again. I feel someone grab my hair and start to play with it.

  Eric's POV

   I play with her hair, her soft hair. I look up to the movie and see a girl and her sister climbing a big tree at there house.

   I look to Connor who's sitting up like something bad is gonna happen. I look back to the tv and see the girls panicking because the tree branch could fall at any second.

  I watch closely as I see the one girl head for the tree but falls in this hole. I jump.

  I feel a hand grip tight on my shirt. I look down to Mia who is asleep but has a scared look on her face. I rub her back again as that seems to calm her down. She loosens her grip and I look back up.

  There's cops at the girls house and fire fighters and I think search and rescue. I see the panic on the moms face, her mom walks up to the tree gets on her knees and starts praying. This is really sad. I feel a tear slip out of my eye. I close my eyes and let more tears fall out. I leave them close as I realize I'm tired and they won't open again. Then the world is black.

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