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Lila's POV

   Its been a couple of week. Sure me and lily are friends but that doesn't mean I like her. Let's be honest here, I was getting tired of her.

  "We should go get our nails done!" Lily squeals.

  "I can't I'm busy with my family and homework." I lied. It's just I've been. Hanging out with her to much, I need a break and we rarely hang out with Mia.

  "Rain check?" She asks me.

  "Yeah sure." To be honest I didn't pay attention to the last part. I was trying to look for Mia.

  "So I'll se-"

  "Sorry I need to find Mia." I say walking away from her.

  "Lila!" She yells at me, I hear the anger in her voice. Like girl go find someone else to hang out with, I have more then just one friend. I walked outside and saw Mia and Eric. Wait Mia and Eric. Are they dating? If so I didn't know because lily was to busy keeping me to herself!!!! I saw them sitting on a picnic table, both laughing. Mia had a big smile on her face and so did Eric.

  "Mia, sorry to interrupt but I needed to see you." She turns around.

  "Lila!" She jumped up and ran to me giving me a hug.

  "Finally got away from lily?" She says laughing as Eric comes up and hugs her from behind.

  "Lily has been controlling me!" I yell getting angry.

  "Seriously Lila." I turn around to find lily standing there, anger in her face.


  "Don't, you can think I control you but I'm just trying to keep my friends close. My one friend died in a car accident. It changed me. I honestly thought we were friends!" She yells.

  "Lily back off." Mia says.

  "No!" She yelled again.

  "Lily, we are friends it's just." I pause.

  "Just what?" She stares at me.

  "Unbelievable." She starts backing away.

  "Lily!" Mia screams. "I get your mad, but seriously. Your to controlling." She gives Mia a death glare.

  "You both better not speak to me again!" She yells, walking backwards back into the school until she turned around and ran into the door. Me, Eric and Mia started to laugh.

  "Shut up!" She screams which makes us laugh even harder.

  "That could of gone better." I turn around to Eric and Mia.

  "She's better off without us." She smiles. "Plus, she's really controlling."

  "That I can agree with that." I say.

  "I'll see ya in class ok L?" I nod and walk away.

   I walked into class earning a death glare from lily. I sit at the back where I used to sit before lily made me sit with her. Mia walks in and looks to lily, then she continues walking to me.

  "I'm guessing you got a death glare to?" She says sitting next to me.


  "Alright class time to get to work!" Mr K told us about a project we are gonna be working on. Best part is we are working with the person beside us. I looked at Mia as she looked back and we both smiled.

  We had to do a book essay. Class was basically a blur, we planned that we would work on it in class and if we needed extra time we would go to her house. After class was over it was time to go home which I was glad.

   I got into my car and drove home I pulled into my driveway and saw a familiar car. I got out of my car and walked to my front door and I saw him.

  "Babe!" I jumped into his arms as he had a warm smile on his face.

  "Hey gorgeous." I looked at him in awe.

  "I'm glad your here." I hug him tighter. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist starting to cry.

  "But Alex... how did you get away from y-your dad?" I whisper in his ear.

  Alex has an abusive dad, it started last year when his sister died. His mom left them when Alex was 7 and since then they have been struggling with money. His dad is an alcoholic and he loves drugs. He doesn't spend his money on food or anything. It's been at least 2 months since I've seen him. It's why I'm crying while I'm hugging him.

  I jump off of him when I realized he wasn't talking.


  "My dad is dead." He says without any emotion.

  "You ok?" I ask.

  "Well my moms back and she's taking care of me, I told my mom I want to go to your school and she's letting me." He smiles.

  "Wait your coming to my school?" I ask, he nods in reassurance. I jump back onto him.

  "At least I'm not getting abused anymore." I smile, I'm glad he's not getting hurt anymore.

"Lila, I wanna take you on a date." Oh my god! This is huge it would be our first date. I mean, yeah we're dating but, we never got to do anything due to his dad.

  "I'd be happy to."

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