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Mia's POV

It's been a couple weeks since mine and Eric's date and then Connor scaring me. Also stupid school, but Lila brought her boyfriend Alex to school and he's been going ever since. They seem really happy. But Shawn definitely wasn't happy about them.

Nothing really exciting has happened, me and Eric hanging out every night, me and Lila finished our English essay on the 1st book of hunger games. Now it's the weekend and March break.

This is the week I'm suppose to be moving into Eric's trailer and I'm so excited. I'll pack like a few things of clothes. My step dad keeps asking if I'm going to go through with this. I think I am, I feel safe with Eric. I won't get hurt and if I do I can just move back here.

"Mia." Connor walks into my room. I literally just woke up and he's already bugging me.

"I'm tired." I growl throwing a pillow at him.

"Obviously." He walks to my window sitting in my window seat.

"That's my spot!" I whine sitting up.

"Mia, are you sure about this." He asks giving me a sad/worried face.

"Sure about what?" I ask getting out of bed and walking towards my bathroom.

"About moving into Eric's trailer." He says as I take out my ponytail and turning on the shower.

"Connor, I feel safe there. Plus I can get away from your jokes, or pranks or whatever." I say pulling him into a hug.

   "Will you come over like everyday?" He asks collapsing on my bed.

   "More like weekends." He rolls his eyes.

   "Need any help?" He sits up as I smile.

   "You can put stuff that's packed in the hall while I have a shower." I say running towards my bathroom before he can say no. I close the door and strip out of my pyjamas. I jump into the shower letting the warm water hit my body.

Once I'm out of the shower I grab my pineapple towel wrapping my hair in it. I grab my blue robe putting it on and walking out of the washroom.

  I decide on wearing a white shirt with black strips, some jeans and my white adidas. I then walk out of my room not worrying about my hair or makeup normally because my brother doesn't mess with me in the mornings.

   I walk downstairs smelling pancakes coming from the kitchen. I walk in seeing Eric, my mom, my step dad and Connor.

   "No one told me Eric was coming over." Connor and Eric look to me.

  "I told Connor to wake you up and tell you." My mom says.

  "I would of been quicker in the shower if he actually told me Eric was here but he only came and woke me up." Eric chuckles as my mom sighs.

  "Honey don't be ashamed by your pineapple towel." She looks to me.

  "I'm not!" At this point everyone is laughing. I walk to the island slapping Connor on the back of the head then walking out and into the leaving room.

  "Don't be ashamed that your not wearing make up!" My mom yells and everyone burst out laughing again.

  "I'm not mom!" I yell getting frustrated. I turn on the tv and stop when I see switched at birth on. I then take my hair out of my towel letting my stringy dirty blonde hair air dry.

  "Hey beautiful." Eric says walking into the living room. He takes a seat beside me, I then grab one of the couch pillows and put it on his lap. I put my head on the pillow still watching my show.

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