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Eric's POV

   Peter? Apparently Mia's worst ex, but what did he do? My mind kept wondering as I sat in Mia's room waiting for her to wake up. She got her head stitched up and has a concussion.

   "Is he dead?" I hear Mia's voice.

   "I don't know Mia." I walk towards her and crawl into the bed with her.

   "He tried.... tried." She stopped, tears came down her face.

   "Shhhh your safe now." I hold her close. She grabs onto my shirt tightly.

   "He tried to do IT with me." She says quickly. I knew what IT was. I was furious. What kind of guy tries to force a girl on him?

   "It's ok, I'm here." I rub her arm. Calming her down its difficult but I guess this is part of being a boyfriend.

   "Never leave!" She says firmly.

   "I won't." I assure her. I grab the tv remote to turn the tv on and there's the news. It's sharing Mia's situation.

   "All people involved in this teenage girl situation is dead due to the ceiling that fell. Lucky Mia Micheal is still alive and is in the hospital for her head injury."

    I turn the tv off and kiss Mia on the head.

   "He's dead." I confirm, she loosens her grip on my shirt and hugs me before falling asleep on me.

   I push myself out from under her and make my way out the door. I get in my car and drive to my trailer. Once I get there I grab my favourite jogging pants and drive back to the hospital. I walk back into her room.

   "Your back." She smiles.

   "You were sleeping when I left, how did you wake up so fast?" I ask her.

   "I woke up when you left."

   "I went to get you my jogging pants." I wink.

   "Gimme!" She squeals, I chuckle. I hand her the pants and she runs to the bathroom.

   "There just jogging pants." I state.

   "There my favourite jogging pants." She says walking out and crawling back under the blankets.

   "There my favourite too." I state.

   "I've heard." She smiles then makes room for me on the bed. I get onto the bed just laying on top of the blankets. Mia puts her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her holding her close to me.

   "Eric?" She says laying on her side and putting an arm around my torso.

   "Mhmm?" I look down to her.

   "Your holding me a little to tight." She says making it sound like she can't breath.

  "Sorry gorgeous." I loosen my grip.

   Eventually my beautiful angel falls asleep, but I don't think she should be mine. I feel like she can do better then me. She got hurt because she was with me, she doesn't deserve a person like me. She needs someone who's going to protect her. That's.... not... me. We've only been together for a month, I think. I'm not the one for her.

   Oh my god Eric stop it! Your perfect for her.

  Stupid voices, I'm not perfect for her. I couldn't protect her.

  "Eric!" I fall off the bed and onto the hard floor.

  "What the hell!" I get up angrily, I see Connor who has a smile on his face.

  "Not enough to make me laugh." Connor says walking towards a chair and sitting down.

  "I have to go!" I leave. I can't stay, I'll come back later to break up with her. I guess right now I should take her stuff to her house.

   I get into my car and sigh. I drive to my trailer putting everything that's Mia's into the back and taking it away back to her house. Once I get there I take everything inside and see her step dad.

  "Eric? What are you doing?" He says grabbing my shoulder gently making me stand up straight.

  "I'm not right for Mia, she deserves someone better so I'm sorry but I need to break up with her. She's getting hurt and I'm not protecting her." I explain to him as he gets a confused look. Yes, confused.

  "Where is this coming from?" He asks leading me to the kitchen and getting a glass of water for me.

  "My head?" I ask but it sounded more like a statement.

  "Eric, you make Mia happy, she thinks your perfect and you might not think your protecting her but you've protected her from so much. Just because you couldn't protect her this time doesn't mean this is the end of the world." I take in what he says, but I could of lost her because I didn't protect her.

   "I could of lost her because I didn't protect her." I respond.

   "But you didn't lose her." He says, I couldn't respond, he was right I didn't lose her, but I almost did and I don't want to lose her.

   "Eric, don't let go so easily." He looks into my eyes. Then at the door way.

   "Eric?" I hear Mia's mom.

   "I'm sorry sir but, I have to let her go." I softly say. I go to get up when he grabs my arm.

   "Eric, think about it." He says letting go. I walk past Mia's mom and nod my head. I carry in the last few things and head back to the hospital. I walk into Mia's room where she is awake.

   "Hey hand-"

   "We're over." I say firmly. Her features on her face change.

   "W-what?" She says confused, sad and hurt.

   "I said it's over, goodbye Mia." I say.

   "No!" She yells. "We are not over what the hell is going on?"

  "Goodbye Mia."

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