[Chapter Four] Lassie Went Home

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Ariannas point of view

After the lights flickered and shut off, I brought Carl and Sophia to the big room.

Once everyone gets to the room, The doctor takes Daryl's whisky from him.

".. It means zone five is shutting itself down." The doctor says.

"Hey! What the hell does that mean?" Daryl asks. I cross my arms over my chest.

"It obviously means its shutting itself down Dixon." I sarcastically say. Shane comes and shuts me up.

"This is no time for your stupid-ass jokes, Ari." Shane tells me. I roll my eyes.

The doctor goes explaining why the lights and air is off. After a few silent seconds, The doctor spoke again.

"It was the French." Everyone asks what that means. "They were that last ones to hold out as far as I know. While our people were commiting suicide in the hallways and bolting out the doors, They stayed in the labs. They thought they were close to a solution."

"What happened?" Jacqui asks.

"The same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice." He says. "The world runs on fossil fuel. I mean, How stupid is that?"

"Ill tell you-" Shane gets grabbed ny the collar of his shirt.

"To hell with it Shane!" I yell. "Everybody, Grab your stuff. We're leavin'."

"Y'all heard Ari! Go! Grab your stuff now! Hurry!" Shane yells. I limp towards the door, An alarm stopping all of us.

"30 minutes to decontamination." Vi says. We all start panicking, Except me. I kept my cool. The door closes and now I start panicking.

"You son of a bitch!" I scream, Launching myself at the doctor.

"Shane!" Rick yells. Before I even reached the doctor, Shane pinned me down.

"Let us out!" I scream. I kick my arms and legs around like a child having a fit. I feel my stitches reopening (again) "Open the doors!"

"I cant! The emergency exits are sealed." The doctor says.

"Well open the damn things!" I spit.

"That's not something I control, The computers do. I told you, Once that door closes it stays closed."

"What happens in twenty eight minutes?" I ask as Carol pulls me up. "I don't like repeating myself! What happens in twenty eight minutes?!" I repeat. The doctor stands up.

"Do you know what this place is?!" He asks. "We protected the public from some very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever!" He screams at us. After his little freak out, He sits down. "In the event of a catastrophic power failure, A terrorist attack for example, H.I.Ts are deployed to prevent from any organisms from getting out."

"H.I.Ts?" Rick asks.

"Vi, Define." The doctor says. The computer does his order quickly.

H.I.T's are a bomb and we're all going to die.

Everyone else but Daryl and I pleaded for our lives. That much pleading made the doctor open the door.

"Good luck." Was the last thing I heard from him before being swept away by T-Dog.

He puts me in the main entrance while Daryl grabs our stuff. He throws his bag towards me and I easily catch it.

Everyone is trying to break the glass with chairs and guns. I put my hand in my pocket. I take out a rounded grenade

"Rick!" I yell. He turns to face me. "Catch." I say, Throwing the grenade to him. He catches it, And tells everyone to get cover. I turn, Taking a step and fall down a small flight of stairs.

Boom. The window shatters. T-dog grabs me again, Grabbing my bag with him. He runs outside, Dodging the walkers. He puts me inside the RV.

"GET DOWN!" I scream, Covering my head with my hands and curling up in the far side of the RV.

The air exploded, blowing up the CDC like it was nothing.

I sit in the RV, Stitching my own leg now. Next to me, Andrea is being taught how to clean a gun. She's doing it horribly. Once my leg is stitched up, I start to dress it. I get stopped by Dales hosepipe bursting again.

"Dammit Dale!" I shout, Finishing my dressing. I put my rolled up jeans back in place. Andrea helps me out of the booth. I hop out of the RV, Then hopping down the steps.

"We need to fix the hosepipe." I hear Rick say. They all turn to me. "Can you fix it?"

"How would I know how to fix it? Who do I look like? Marty McFly?" I sarcastically ask. My eyes shift over to the sitting vehicles. "We can probably look through the vehicles. We'll probably find more than what we need, Food, Water--"

"This is a graveyard." Lori interrupts me. I don't even look back.

"No one asked for your opinion, Lori."  I tell her. That got her to shut up.

Everyone began to look through the vehicles, Taking everything they could.

While looking through a car, I saw a dead dog in the back.

"Looks like Lassie went home." I heard a voice behind me. The only other smart-ass in the group. Daryl.

"Lassie come home.. I suck." I laugh, Attempting to remember the lyrics. Daryl laughs along with me.

Daryl helps me look through the other cars in case if I fall or something. Then there was the herd behind us too.

Daryl took me in the backseat of a car. With me on the bottom and him on the top of me. My heart starts thumping. Not because the herd could kill us, But because there is a 99.9 percent chance I'm falling for Daryl.

Once the moans are gone, Daryl puts his head up to check, Then brings it down, Kissing my lips like it's casual.

As soon as his lips touched mine, My stomach fluttered. I was not expecting this. I kissed him back, Running my fingers through his hair. Then he stops.

"We cant do this now. Not here." Daryl whispers. "There's a herd, Then the group and-"

"Daryl, Its okay. Another time, Okay?" I whisper, Moving pieces of hair out of his eyes.

"Another time then." He whispers back.
Word count: 1042

Oohh boy! Its gettin' good.
Ship name?
Darianna? Ariyl? Dari?
Idk you choose, Make one up, Whatever you want!

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