[Chapter Thirteen] Just A Dream

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(Arianna Reese)

My eyes flutter open and look around the room. Jessie's room. She had nightmares again. I get out of the small bed and kiss my daughter on the head.

I make my way to the kitchen and take some bacon out of the freezer and put it in hotwater. I take some pots and pans out and turn the burners on.

"Mommy?" I hear Jessie's small voice behind me. I turn around and see a big bite mark on her neck.

"What... No!" I scream.

I wake up on the frosted grass and gasp. I sit up quickly and see a brief acquaintance, Mark. I see him cooking a squirrel over a spit roast. Its been almost two weeks since I left the prison, Yet here I am, Sitting in a clearing with a perfect view of the safe place.

"Your... Never mind." I mutter.

"What am I doing wrong, Arianna?" Mark asked me. I fold my arms over my chest.

"You're turning it the wrong way. And the stick isn't fully through the squirrel." I tell him. I don't hunt or do anything like that, I just know from watching Daryl cook.

"Oh. Do you hunt?" He asked. I shake my head.

"I had a boyfriend that did. His name was Daryl. He hunted everything and made sure everyone ate before he did." I tell him. Tears sting my eyes. "I never should have left."

A gun shot off into the distance. We both bring our heads up and look in the direction the noise was made.

"What was that?" Mark asked. I look at his direction.

"Yeah, I heard it too." I say. Panic fills me as I realize that's the direction of the prison. It continued with rapid gunfire.

Mark and I sprinted off into the direction. We reached about half a yard from the prison and see the governor there.

"Shit. That's the guy." I told Mark. He craned his neck forward to get a better look.

"Lets help your people then!" Mark shouted happily. I nodded but then stopped.

"No. We cant." I said. What will Daryl say if I came to the gates with another man?

"Oh." Mark sadly said. He gripped his knife and spun around to push it up to my neck.

"Then I'll have to kill you then, Girly." Mark creepily said. "Or.. We could do something else. You know, I'm cold. We should heat each other up."

With no response, He pushed me to the ground so a hand held my wrists behind my back and Marks knife was in the other. The cold sharp steel was forcefully pressed against my cheek.

"Go fuck a chainsaw several times until you cant even scream for your dead mother." I darkly said. Mark pushed the knife into my cheek deeper and moved it down. I squirmed in pain as I felt the cold but warm blood dribble down my cheek.

"Aw. Now your pretty little face is all cut up. Whatcha gonna do about it?" Mark asked me. I breathed in and forced it to sound broken and bit my lip forcefully.

"Oh I don't know!" I acted. Tears stung my eyes as I ripped the broken skin off my lip.

"Well, Better think of somethin' fast.  I hear them comin' our way." Mark said. A blast hit the air and made everything rumble.

"Shit! What was that?" Mark asked. He got off of me to see what happened. I take this opportunity to run.

I wound up into the forest, Quietly following Daryl. You could feel the tension build up. At a roadway, Daryl turned around.

"Why did you leave me?" He quietly asked. I looked into his eyes.

"Because I love you. I was going to kill the governor myself for what he did to you." I told him. "I'm sorry, Okay?"

"No." He grunted. I sighed.

"You've changed. What happened?" I asked. His hair was longer than the last time I saw him. It was also darker and he was more pale.

"Merle. Merle happened." Daryl said. He released the crossbows arrow on an innocent deer.

"What happened with Merle? Did he run off? Rejoined the governor? What?" I ask. We walk over to the arrow and Daryl lifts the deer onto his shoulders.

"He died." Daryl said. My heart went heavy. Then it went light. He brought me to a man that did things to me.

"I'm.. I'm sorry for your loss." I told him. I picked a wildflower and then crushed its petals.

"We'll camp here for the night." Daryl said, Changing the subject. As long as the camp has no mark around, I was fine. I was safe with Daryl.
Word count: 790
Finally I made this chapter

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