[Chapter Twelve] They Dont Need Me

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Ariannas Point of View

Merle got knocked out for saying something stupid. I volunteered to go with Daryl and Merle.

"Arianna, I don't want you to come with us. It'll be too dangerous." Daryl tells me.

"I'm coming with you." I keep on saying. Next thing you know, Its just Daryl, Merle and I walking along in the forest.

The walk was silent until Merle announced that he needed to take a leak. Daryl hunted nearby as I covered Merle.

"Ya know, Girlie. I sense somthin' goin' on between you and my lil' bro." Merle says. I hear the zipper of his jeans zip up. "So tell me. Is there somethin' goin' on between you two?" He asks.

"Um.. We... Slept together.. Many.. Many.. Times.." I awkwardly say. My face turns red.

"He says he loves ya?" Merle asks.

"Um.. Yeah." I say.

"That's nothin' but a lie, Girly. He says that to all the girls. Then he hurts them. Real bad." Merle says.

"The fuck!? That's what you did!" Daryl shouts from beside me. I just backed away slowly. Then I heard a scream and then a baby cry.

As Daryl and Merle fought, I was trying to break them up. I finally got their attention by another whistle.

"Guys!" I hissed.

"What do you want, Woman?" Merle asked.

"That's a baby!" I told them. Daryl took a step forward, As

"Nah, That's a pair of loons makin' love sweet love." Merle joked.

"No, She's right. Itsa baby." Daryl agrees.

We ran to the source of the sound, Which was a river. I closely inspected the scene and saw a bunch of people getting attacked by walkers.

"We gotta help them!" I tell Daryl. He nods and starts running with Merle and I closely behind him.

I take my knife out and stab a walker in the head. As I climb onto the flat deck to help two men, I saw an arrow land right next to me. I turn back and flash Daryl a smile. Once I'm on the deck, I pull out my knife once more.

"Hey Blondie! Catch!" I heard Merle yell, Then proceed to chuck my revolver at me.

I jump and catch it midair. It was amazing to be reunited with my precious revolver.

I aim my gun at a walker and pull the trigger. It was then I realized, Merle had just given me my gun with no bullets.

Once all the walkers were gone, I lunged myself at Merle.

"What the hell, Man?! Taking my gun, Using my bullets, Then give it to me in a life threatening situation, And I find ot empty?!" I shout.

"Ari, You need to calm down. Just find the prison. They need you." Daryl tells me. I whip around to snap.

"I don't want them to need me! I didn't even ask for any of this! I'm not even supposed to be in the group anymore! My leg was healed long before Carol died!" I snap. Then we heard lots of gunshots.

"Shit." We all said at the same time. We all sped towards the sound. We never ran so fast before, And don't think we ever will again. The shots were from the direction of the prison.

We got there just in time to save Rick from getting devoured. I helped him up and threw a walker against the fence and stabbed it.

Once the walkers near us were gone, Rick took the three of us inside.

Before I even got in the cell block, Carl, Maggie and Glenn engulfed me in a hug. I hugged them all back. I pulled Glenn aside and looked at him with a broken smile.

"I have to leave. I'm sorry." I say. Glenn's eyes were desperate.

"What? No, You cant leave! You're our family! We need you!" Glenn tells me. I swallow the lump building in my throat.

"I don't want anyone to need me. I'm leaving tonight." I say. "Are you coming with me?"

That night, I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I scribbled down a note and left it in my cell. I walked out of the prison yard with tears in my eyes.

I turned around and stopped walking. A tear slid down my cheek as I watched the prison fade from my sight.

"I'm sorry Daryl, But I have to leave." I whisper, Turning around again and wiping my tears away.

I walk down the highway.
What I'm about to do, May or may not get me killed.
Word count: 801
Sorry for the short chapter
I got excited for the next one so I ran out of ideas for this one.
See ya!

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