[Chapter Eight] No Bites

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3rd person view (this chapter will be longer than usual)

"You..I-" Arianna gets cut off by Daryl's chapped lips on hers. She kisses him back. The kiss heats up and then slows down again. Daryl takes his lips off of hers.

"Like I said. I love you." He tells her. Arianna smile slowly fades away. There's a herd.

"Daryl." She points in the direction of walkers. He nods, Helps Arianna up, Stomps the fire put and collects their stuff.

When they arrive back at the farm, It was still nightfall, But the sun was slowly rising.

Daryl got off the bike first, Then holding out his hand for Arianna. She grabbed his hand with a smile on her face.

"Daryl." She tells him, Still holding onto his hand. "I love you too." Then she presses her lips against his. They part when they hear approaching footsteps.

"Oh thank god." They hear Maggie say. Maggie wraps her arms around Arianna. "What happened out there?" Maggie asked.

"We got held up by this dude. Daryl killed him." Arianna tells her. "The town is probably overrun by now."

"Really? I hope Glenn is alright.." Maggie says. Arianna shrugs it off and walks to Daryl's tent with his hand in hers.

The next morning, Rick, Glenn and Hershel returned. Everyone gathered around them as they discuss the new man they brought back.

Arianna went to go see him and immediately regretted it.

"Well hello, Arianna." The man says to her. Arianna starts to clam up.

"My daughter is dead. I just thought you should know, You piece of shit." Arianna spat. "How the hell did you get here?"

"Well Arianna. I got out of that with our daughter. She got bit so I just left her. Brat must've lost her way and found you." Arianna's ex-boyfriend explains.

"That's a damn lie!" Arianna yelled.


"I ain't your sweetheart no more."

She approached the group, About to tell them about her ex.

"His name is Jackson Deern. He was the father to Jess." She told them. "Do what you want to him. Just as long as it's damn painful. He threw my daughter to the walkers to save his own ass."

"Imma kill 'em.." Daryl muttered. Arianna stood in front of him.

"I'm not lettin' him die so easy. He doesn't deserve the easy way out." Arianna said, leaving in the direction of the house.

That evening, Arianna gave in to execute him. She was keeping watch while Dale went to check something out. She jumped off the RV when she saw Dale getting eaten. She ran to his side, Killed the walker and held his head in her lap. She took out her revolver and shot a bullet in the air.

Almost instantly everyone was there. They were discussing him and then he turned.

"Shit!" Andrea exclaimed. I low-key forgot her name. Jesus I hated her.

Arianna took out her knife and stabbed Dale in the back if the head. She took off his hat and then let a tear slide down. She quickly wiped it away and pushed his body off.

The next morning they had their burial, Next to Jess. Arianna ended the ceremony by taking her knife out and etching his name in the wood.

"Goodbye Dale." Arianna says, Ending the service.

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