[Chapter Sixteen] I Could Feel His Hurt and Pain

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The group of five continued on the road

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The group of five continued on the road. Daryl had put a lot of weight on him because he didn't know if he just gave his sister a free death wish or not.

"Daryl, Are you listenin'?" Arianna asked, Waving her hand in his face. Daryl looked down and then up.

"Yeah. What're we doin'?" He asked. Arianna scoffed.

"We're thinkin' of goin' to Terminus while looking for your sister." Arianna explained. Daryl nodded silently and kicked a stone in his path. He deeply regretted snapping at his sister.

"Guys hold up a minute." Rick said as Daryl picked up the jade colored stone. He turned and flipped it over, Looking at it before shoving it in his pocket. He looked at what the rest were looking at.

"Glenn go to Terminus.. Maggie." Arianna read aloud. She looked at Rick and bit bet lip. "We gotta go there! Maybe everyone else is there!"

There was a thundering of hoofbeats and then a shouting. Daryl turned around and saw his sister on a black horse, Galloping full speed at them.

Avery pulled back on the horses reins tightly before climbing off the horse.

"Daryl don't you go to Terminus." Avery said. She panted for a while and then straightened herself up.

"Avery-" Daryl started. Avery shut him up while panting.

"They're cannibals. I barely made it out alive there. I only left with a big chunk of my arm gone and they may or may not of forced me to cut off a finger." Avery said in one breath.

She grabbed her horses reins and put one hand on the saddles horn and the other on the seat. She put her left foot in the left stirrup and hoisted herself up easily.

"If ya follow me, We can save your friends." Avery said. Daryl rushed over to his sister.

"Arianna's pregnant. Keep this between me and you, Aight? Don't tell her that you know that I told you." Daryl said. Averys mouth curved into a smile.

Avery brought one of her gloved hands up and made a zipping motion across her lips. She then threw an invisible key away.

"Okay, Thanks." Daryl said, Then patting his sisters knee. Avery clicked her tongue and squeezed her legs into her horses sides. The horse started into an easy trot.

"Easy, Guy." Avery soothed, Slowing the horse down. Daryl still walked beside her.

"We need a plan. Whats the building like?" Arianna asked Avery. She scrunched up her nose.

"Disgusting." Avery said with venom in her voice. "Its a big brick building. It used to be a big ass train station. There's train cars where they put the people that are a threat and then kill them for food." Avery explained.

"Ew." Arianna said.

"Yeah. If we get there soon enough, We'll be able to save your friends. Its getting dark though, Its safer to get up soon. There's some horses up the road over there. That's where I got Guy." Avery said, patting the black horses neck.

"Horses?" Arianna asked. Avery looked at Arianna and nodded.


Avery took the saddle and bridle off of Guy and put them in the tack room. She proceeded to give her horse a damn good brushing for his hard work.

She walked out of the stall and smiled at her brother sleeping across Arianna's lap. She sat next to her, Who was awake and staring at the flames.

"Thank you." Avery said. Arianna looked at Avery with confusion.

"For what?" Arianna asked. Avery dropped her smile.

"For taking care of my brother. He can be a hell of a handful at times, I know, But thank you. Really." Avery looked down to try and keep the tears in.

"When I first met Daryl... I kinda hated him. I hated how he was so goddamn stupid. I still thought he was an idiot when we started.. Dating. Then I met Merle." Arianna said, Running her hand through her boyfriends long, brown hair.

Avery held her head in her bare hands sadly. She shed a few tears.

"I'm pregnant. But its not Daryl's." Arianna said, Looking into the small, desperate flames.

"There was this guy, He called himself the Governor. He... Touched me and then it went further. I was too weak to stop him. Glenn was in the other room, Getting the shit beaten out of him." Arianna told Avery sadly. She didnt want Daryl to know that the baby isn't his.

"I thought I killed that fucker." Avery muttered. Arianna tilted her head towards Avery.

"Sorry?" Arianna said.

"I met that son of a bitch when everything was goin' ta hell. Asked me to go to his small town. I declined and then shot him. I dint know why. His presence was.. Dangerous."

"You did the right damn thing." Arianna said, Her fingers still messing with Daryl's greasy hair.

Avery saw the dying flames and then took her hunting knife out of its sheath. She grabbed a bunch of her split ends and swiped her knife smoothly through it. She threw the small bunch of hair in the flames and watched as it swallowed the hair up and grew bigger.

"When I first looked in Daryl's eyes, I could see- No- feel his hurt. The look in his eyes. His pain brought me back when I was in the foster system.

"I was just a lost little girl who didn't matter and didn't think she ever would. I was just a little girl who cried herself to sleep every night cause she wanted her parents so bad." Arianna paused for a second so she could let the tears in her eyes fall.

"She could never understand why they would give her up." Arianna finished. Avery looked down.

"I remember when.. He hit me the first time. It was unbearable. I only dropped a glass of three week expired juice." Avery said. She looked at Daryl and half smiled. "Before Will could continue, Daryl threw himself in front of me and took the beating himself."

"I'm.. Sorry. Daryl never told me this." Arianna said. Avery looked at Arianna.

"Daryl's very insecure about everything. Merle made the both of us feel like shit constantly. He made us more tougher though. That's one thing I'm grateful for. If it wasn't for Merle, I wouldn't be alive." Avery explained. Arianna looked at Avery with teary eyes.
Word count: 1075
Yessss!!!! Finally!
this chapter is up!

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