[Chapter Fifteen] Lets Go

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Avery's rabbit fur boots crunched and crinkled the autumn leaves

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Avery's rabbit fur boots crunched and crinkled the autumn leaves. The Trio were looking for food, Walkers, Anything. Daryl's crossbow was in Avery's hands, As his bow is better for hunting then her bow and Avery's a much better hunter than Daryl.

"There." Daryl whispered, Spotting a nest of rabbits in a log. He walked over, His footsteps making very quiet sound. Arianna walked over, Her feet loudly crunching the leaves.

"What the hell? They're dead. Someone got to em but just left em there." Arianna said. Avery put Daryl crossbow down in disappointment.

"Shit! Up a tree! Up a tree now!" Avery hissed, Trading bows with Daryl. She scampered up a tree, With the Arianna and Daryl following.

"Why are we-" Avery quickly clamped a white leather glove over Arianna's mouth. Daryl looked down and saw a group of men singing off key.

"32 bottles of beer on the wall, 32 bottles of beer! You take one down, Pass it around, Now you got 31 bottles of beer on the wall!" They chanted. It was fading as the walked farther and farther away from the tree that was giving shelter to the trio.

"They call themselves 'The Claimers'. They are bad bad people." Avery whispered. "They held me tight and i had to kill majority of em. They thanked me for that and shot me." Avery said.

After five minutes in the tree, The three hopped down carefully, Trying not to break anything.

The three continued on their journey to find anything for food. It was reaching night time and they decided to stay on the edge of the forest. Daryl made a fire while Avery put a stick through the weasel they found.

After an hour of silence, Daryl spoke up.

"Where'd you go?" Daryl asked Avery. She put down the weasel for full concentration. Then she looked at Daryl in the eye.

"I went to an orphanage. I couldn't live like that anymore. They treated me nicely. But I felt so guilty and so selfish that I just left you and Merle behind." Avery said.

The trio froze when there was the click of a gun. From across then, They saw someone putting a gun to Daryl's friends head.

"Guys stay back." Avery whispered as she recognized the mans voice. Daryl and Arianna didn't listen and followed the white furry cloak instead.

"Oh dear. Its Avery!" One of the men exclaimed. Avery kept her bow drawn on the man with the gun to Ricks head.

"Step away from the man." Avery confidentially spoke. One of the groups men slowly drew the string of his arrow back and then pointed at Avery.

"We told you Avery. You come across us again, and you die." The man with the red compound bow said. "Oh, How'd I know it wad you? You're wearing your fur suit and you're using a bow." He said.

Daryl loaded his crossbow quickly. But then another guys head popped up.

"When he dies, I'm claimin that." The fat guy said.

"Who's there?" Rick asked.

"Me, Daryl and Arianna. I'm guessing you know my brother?" Avery asked.

"Don't talk to him!" The leader, Joe ordered. Avery relaxed all of her muscles now.

"Don't tell me what to do." Avery said smoothly before releasing the arrow into Lens neck.

Rick banged his head back into the gun, Which made Joe fire it off. The bullet slightly grazed his head.

Arianna took her machete out and forcefully slashed one guys face open. He dropped to the ground and Arianna finished the job by piercing his brain.

One man managed to pin Avery to the ground. He started undoing the buttons on her furs with his teeth while Avery fought back. Daryl was too busy fighting the men off to even look at his sister.

Avery swung her leg foward and kicked the man in the crotch with her knee. The man scrambled off and held his "Broken Penis" in his hand.

What they saw next will probably haunt Rick till the day he died. He swung his neck back, Lunged it forward into Joes neck. Rick sank his teeth into his throat and ripped it out of his neck. He spat it out while Joe fell to the ground.

While Avery did up the buttons on her furs again, Arianna put her hands on her knees and breathed heavy. She brought her head up again.

"Crazy son of a bitch." Arianna said as she kicked Joes head. She crossed her arms and then looked at Daryl.

Avery released a heavy breath and fell to the ground. She may be a bow using apocalyptic badass but seeing a lot of blood made her faint.

"Oh shit!" Daryl exclaimed as he ran to his sisters aid. He took some water out of his bag and ran it over her face. She awoke right away and blinked away the water in her eyes. "You alright, Avery?" He asked. Avery nodded as she got back up.

"Carl!" Rick exclaimed as he hugged a woman Avery didn't realize was there. Hell, She didn't even see the boy.

"Who are those people?" Avery asked Daryl as she clipped her leather quiver around her back.

"Thats Rick, Michonne and Ricks son Carl." Arianna said. Avery went forward and shook hands with them.

"Hi. I'm Avery, I'm Daryl's sister." Avery introduced.

"How come you knew those guys?" Rick asked suspiciously. Avery took a deep breath.

"Because I joined them guys for a week. I basically went through hell and back to find Daryl. I found he hasn't done the same for me." Avery sadly admitted, Nodding towards Daryl.

"Well, I'm sorry, If you didn't leave you wouldn't even be lookin' for me." Daryl snapped back.

"I left because Merle was servin' time in jail and you were gone doin' god knows what! I was gettin' beatin' every day, Takin' in both Merle's and your beatin's!" Avery screamed.

"I couldn't live like that anymore, Avery. You know that. Best you could've done was come with me." Daryl yelled at her. Arianna was about to get in between them to separate them, But there was no need. She could feel it.

"And do what? Drugs? Alcohol? Nice to know that I'm important to you, Daryl." Avery said. She turned away and left in the direction of the forest.

"What the hell, Daryl! She seemed like a good fighter. Why'd you chase her off like that?" Arianna asked. Daryl looked at her and scoffed.

"She ain't a good fighter. She's just scared." Daryl admitted. But then a thought came to his head. What if he's the scared one?

"C'mon Daryl. Lets just go." Arianna said, Trying to break away the tension.

Word count: 1140
Some brother/sister bonding time lol. This chapter wasn't written very well.

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