Chapter 4: Form of Madness

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"And those are the basis of parallelism. Any questions? I certainly hope not." I sigh a little as I take a seat behind my desk. The worksheet I have passed out should keep the class busy until it's time for them to leave. My mind seems to roam back to last week as I felt my hand wrap its way around Stefan Salvatore's neck.

"My sister Rebekah and I will reside wherever we like. If you think I'm a ruthless monster now, imagine me when I'm actually angry."

Stefan attempts to talk, but I am blocking his windpipe.

"If people like you can change, what makes you think I can't? What gives you the right to even utter those words to me? I would like to see you try to last several more decades without having to turn your humanity off for one reason or another. You will not be--"

"Nik! What are you doing?!"

Stefan takes advantage of my sister's distraction as he whips out of my grip and dashes for the door. I move to the sofa, poor a glass of Scotch and drink it hungrily.

"I thought you were making friends, Nik!"

I glare up at my sister.

"Ever heard of a change of plans, dear sister?"

"Mr. Mikaelson?" The iffy voice of Caroline Forbes quickly brings me back down to reality.


"Well, the bell rang about three minutes ago, and I don't even think you blinked. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Ms. Forbes. Thank you for informing me of the bell, though. I must have been lost in my own thoughts."

Caroline giggles a little, and it seems like gravity escapes me for a second or two.

"Don't we all? I actually wanted to ask you something. Are you and Rebekah Mikaelson related?"

I purse my lips together.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, she just asked me to come with her to the grill later on today with my friends, and I noticed the last names." Caroline quickly checks her thin, gold watch.

"Oh, wow! I need to go. See you later, Mr. Mikaelson."

"Goodbye, Ms. Forbes." I wait until she has closed the door behind her before I utter the next word.



"From here on out you will deliver five bags of blood to my address at noon every Sunday until I tell you otherwise. You will not question why and you will not let anyone know what it is that you are up to. Understand?"

I can feel my mouth turn up into a half smile as the human nods to my every command. There was never any doubt he would. I turn away and begin walking down the hospital corridor. As I round the corner, I can feel someone slowly trekking behind me. I turn around without caring what is waiting. It's not likely that they can defend themselves from me even if they tried.

"Need something, Sheriff Forbes?"

Her face visibly relaxes as she smiles. Her smile is almost the same as her daughter's. Except it seems to be missing something.

"Oh! Sorry. You must be the new AP Lit teacher everyone is talking about. I'm sorry. It's just a new face at the hospital is an unusual occurrence."

I think to myself as to why she would say this. Then it clicks. She is not using the word she wants to actually use. If a wandering vampire comes into town, he would head straight for the giant blood supply at the hospital. It would be a more of an unfortunate occurrence rather than an unusual one.

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