Chapter 5: Football Friday

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Football Friday. Those two words seem to echo in my head as my last class of the day is about to pour in. I am attempting to associate the fact that it's Football Friday and that is why the students attending my classes are complete imbeciles today. Even though they are imbeciles everyday, today is more extreme than usual.

"Please before you sit, discard of your footballs and pom-poms on the far right side of the room. I doubt you need them for Literature class."

I try not to roll my eyes as I walk from behind my desk. I end up leaning on the front of it as the class takes their seats.

"So, in recognition of tonight's football game and the fact that no one would do the assignment anyway, I've decided that today is a Discussion Day. What is that you may ask? Well, you shouldn't be asking that if you use even one-fourth of the brain you all ready over-work. Discussion Day is a day for discussion."

I pause a little for dramatic emphasis.

"The topic? There isn't one. Why you may ask? Discussion Day is a day to talk amongst yourselves. Enjoy."

I barely finish the statement before the delinquents are already talking. I sigh a little as I take a seat behind my cheap desk.

I look around the classroom, and it seems like for longer than a second, my eyes automatically go to Caroline Forbes. Her loose blonde ponytail seems to flail around carelessly in its ribbon as she talks enthusiastically to Elena Gilbert. The smiles on the girls' faces are that of pure happiness. Envy slowly builds in my body. If only I could smile like that. For even a day I would be grateful.

But the dull tug at my throat reminds me that I will never experience their happiness.

A knock on the door makes my eyes swiftly leave the scene of Caroline and Elena. Before I can get up to answer it, Alaric waltz in with a pair of bright, white sneakers swinging in his hand.

"Excuse me, Klaus. I'm afraid a certain knucklehead has forgotten an important item."

He waves the sneakers a little in the air, and Elena is finally broken out of her enthusiastic conversation with Caroline. She quickly makes her way over to Alaric; who is now leaning against my desk.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Ugh, please. Not in school, Ric."

Smiles fill their faces.

"Yeah alright. Be glad I saw these in the foyer before I left."

"Thanks so much! You're the best. Sorry about the interruption, Mr. Mikaelson."

She turns her attention to me for the first time since I have relocated to Mystic Falls. I do not see anything special about her appearance. Maybe it was her personality that captured the two vampire brothers' hearts.

"It's quite alright, Elena."

She nods her head and walks back to her seat. I wait for Alaric to leave.

He doesn't.

"Do you need something, Alaric?"

"They pay extra for teachers to go to the game and look out for the students. I could use the extra money, and I was wondering if you wanted to help me work the ticket booth, or at least pretend to work it just to keep me company?"

The money means nothing to me of course, but for some reason I find myself curious as to what goes on at Football Friday. So, with the least bit of hesitation, I reply the affirmative. What could go wrong?


"There was so much blood. She was unrecognizable. God, why did that animal have to attack her? I love her so much. I'm so sorry. I can't talk right now."

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