Chapter 8: Good-Will Hunting

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My hand grips the rough, sharpened wood as I approach Alaric. His back is to me, and he is hovering over his less than mouth-watering dinner. I give him the benefit of the doubt as I bring the stake up and hold it to his back.

"Talk. Now."

"I realize now that I must've told you to open the left closet instead of the right one," He lets out a hollowed laugh. "But, I can explain—"

"You have ten seconds before your heart is impaled on this stake, and sitting in my foyer for your family and friends' viewing pleasure."

Alaric turns his body slowly to face me.

"Klaus, you have it all wrong. I would never do anything to you or the Salvatores."

"I am not an idiot, Alaric. If you humans have the courage to stand up enough to kill one vampire, you have the courage to stand up and try to kill more. Who am I to trust you? Why should I not take this stake," I adjust the stake firmly against Alaric's heart, "And shove it right through you like the flimsy plastic bag you are? Simply blowing in the wind."

"If you took that stake and killed me with it, then I would say I'm not surprised. I know what you did at the game." My grip slackens a little at this statement.

"I have no idea what you're referring to."

"Oh, come on! You know exactly what I'm referring to. How'd it feel to know you were ripping that girl away from the life she had ahead of her? To know that because of you, she'd never get to live? To get married and have kids? You ended her family tree; dozens of people who won't ever exist. Tell me, Klaus, which was more satisfying: The taste of her blood, or the feeling of her lifeless body in your arms?"

With as much force as I deem necessary, I strike the stake into Alaric's heart. His scream is cut short as blood gurgles from his mouth. I begin to walk out of the apartment, but stop short at the doorway. Alaric's eyes are on me as blood continues to flow out of him.

"You know, there's one thing you should know." I open the door and keep my back to him as I take a step out of it. "The blood is never as satisfying as the kill."


I walk into my living room, and for a moment, I appreciate the silence. As soon as that moment passes, the reality of Rebekah not being here hits me. I must remind myself that she is returning home later tonight.

"I will not eat dinner until Nik arrives!"

My family does not know I am listening to them as I stand out on the balcony connected to my room.

"Rebekah, stop being silly and eat." I can hear the annoyance in Elijah's voice. "Finn will arrive at any moment with Mother, and I would like for at least four out of five of us to put on a nice, believable show for her."

Rebekah sighs deeply.

"I don't understand why we must still lie to her about what we are. She made us. What did she expect? For us to be vegetarians?" I smirk a little at my sister's defiance. She's learned well.

Kol isn't as pleased.

"Bekah, that could be exactly what she expected. She damn sure didn't expect her kids to be blood thirsty, heartless beings, now did she? Well, she may have expected that of Niklaus." Kol laughs as I'm sure Rebekah is glaring at him.

A blood thirsty, heartless being. That is all I'll ever be to them.

The way the dark charcoal contrasts with the white cardboard slab is intriguing to me. Watching the white background disappear as the black lines take up more and more space is like a form a therapy; a way to take my mind off of the reality that haunts me.

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