Chapter 17: Co-Host

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I can't help but smirk as Finn's eyes turn glassy.

"I hope you rot in Hell, Niklaus!" He manages to croak out his last words as he stares at me.

"I can't wait to see you there, dear brother." I let my smile widen as I see his skin start to desiccate. I feel the warmth building rapidly around my fingers, and I quickly let go of the White Oak stake. Fire quickly engulfs him before he can even utter out the scream that is precariously on the tip of his tongue.

"What did you do?" I hear the trembling, yet oddly powerful, voice question from behind me. I turn my head slightly so that I can see her.

"I simply finished what you started, Mother." I state.

"This isn't what I wanted, Niklaus." She whispers coldly. I quickly turn around.

"Is it not?" My voice seems to boom throughout the room. "Was murdering your own kids not a part of the plan?"

Her jaw clenches at the accusation.

"You all are not my kids anymore--"

"Then what are we?" I can hear my mother's back crash against the wall as my hand wraps itself around her neck. She struggles to inhale.

"You're monsters." She spits the words out. "Especially you. You were the first one I should have killed myself! I should never have trusted Finn to do the job properly."

"Well, he's long dead now, mother. And you aren't that far behind." I softly rest my fingers over her chest as I feel her heart beating; something she had long ago forced mine to stop doing. I flex my fingers and hear her gasp at the feeling of my finger nails indenting into her skin.

"Rebekah is going to leave you one day, Niklaus. Forever. You're destined to be alone."

"You're wrong about that, mother." I twisted my hand slightly as she hisses through her teeth. "I've been alone ever since you brought that knife up to my throat." In one swift move, I hear her rib cage shatter as I feel the warm, quickly beating organ in the palm of my hand. I look into her eyes, emotionless, as I bring my arm back quickly and let the vise grip I have on the object go. Her heart falls silently to the floor.


"Mr. Mikaelson?"

An angelic voice immediately brings me back to the present, and I quickly take in the boring white walls of my classroom. I can feel the wood of the cheap desk under my forearms. I look out further to see my right hand lightly holding a pen over a stack of papers I had been grading earlier. My eyes immediately dart toward the congregation of the classroom. All the desks are empty.

"Klaus, the bell rang about five minutes ago, and you've been staring down menacingly at the papers in front of you for a while now." Her annoyed tone almost makes me smile. Caroline has been a vampire for two months now, and it has only been two more months that I have fallen deeper in love with her.

"Sorry, love. Didn't know you were waiting on me."

"I wasn't." Caroline's eyes quickly look down to the books pressed against her chest. "I just wanted to let you know that there's a mandatory meeting at my house after school. Be there."

I can feel myself staring at her, but I can't care enough to stop. She meets my eyes, then quickly turns her head to look toward the door.

"And don't even think of being late!" Her high heels click on the tile floor as she bustles her way out of the door, and before she exits, I can see her trying to fight giving me a second glance.

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