Chapter 11: Big Bad (Were)Wolf

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The image in the mirror haunts me more than anything. Its existence is enough to make me question why something like that deserves to live. Seeing it makes me nauseous, and it seems like I can feel my throat cave into itself. Oxygen becomes harder to breathe in, and the image in the mirror makes it harder to want to actually keep breathing.

I know the only reason for the hardship this image causes me is because that image in the mirror is me. And I will never like or want to see what is reflecting back to me. If anything, I wish the mirror myth about vampires were actually true.

"Hey, Nik. Are you almost ready? The guys should be here at any moment."

I let my eyes move down to my tie as I move it around to tighten it. My eyes can't help but to dart to the window and see the full moon high in the sky. For a moment, I feel like I should be out there; letting the beast within me free. Every full moon that passes and I don't choose to let him free, I feel like I've chosen wrong.

It's only the early evening, but the darkness has already taken over any light that was present during the day. For some reason, I'm already counting the moments until the light can show through the darkness once again.

"Yes, Rebekah. I'm almost ready for this lovely meal."

"Oh, quit with the dramatics!"

I turn toward her after her clipped tone registers with me completely. "Excuse me?"

"Nik, you're just pissed off because Caroline is bringing Tyler. Well guess what? That's her boyfriend. He was her boyfriend before you got here, and he'll most likely still be her boyfriend when we have to relocate in a few years. Hell, maybe he'll even be her husband, Nik!"

The doorbell rings, and Rebekah quickly brushes away the tears streaming down her face. She rushes out of the room in a blur without saying another word.


"Sorry about Tyler bailing at the last moment possible. He's just so frustrating sometimes!"

Matt puts his hand lightly on Caroline's shoulder, and she relaxes her grip on the fork in her hand. I decide to offer some comfort.

"It's okay, Caroline. Really. All we had to do was take away a place setting."

"Thanks for understanding, Mr. Mik-Klaus."

I smile in acceptance as Rebekah begins to speak from the other side of the table. I can tell she is a bit disappointed about not being able to sit beside her beloved Matt Donovan.

"I'm sure he had a good reason, Care."

"He said it was allergies."

I see Matt's face contort into confusion.

"Ty doesn't have allergies. I should know, he practically lives at my--"

Rebekah shoots Matt a look.

"Maybe he developed some type of seasonal allergy thing, Care. I did notice him sneezing a lot in the locker room during practice."

"You tried, Matt. You tried." Caroline smiles a little at Matt before her face drops again.

"Ever since he's come back from visiting his uncle in Colorado, he's been different. I'm hoping it's just him settling back into the swing of things."

"I'm sure that's it." Rebekah offers her friend a smile of hope; ending the conversation.


"That actually wasn't so bad."

I lean on the edge of my foot rest and start to loosen my tie. I see Rebekah appear in the door frame and lean into it.

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