Chapter 14: Wolf Hunt

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I stare at the calendar on the far left side of the room. Caroline has not spoken to me in almost a month. It's been exactly twenty-four days. I can't help but be irritated at myself for counting.

But I can't help but count.

For fifteen days, she has worn her hair down in those playful curls. For the other nine, she has worn a simple ponytail, and I find myself basking in those days. Not because she looks beautiful with her hair pulled back, although she does, but because she doesn't have a curtain of hair to use to hide from me. On the fifth day of the ponytail, our eyes met. For her, it may have been for only a second, but for me, I would have given a thousand lifetimes just to meet her eyes with mine again.


I shift my eyes to the open door without moving my body.

"I knocked, but there was no answer."

Rebekah lightly sighs as she walks over to my footrest and perches her body on the edge.

"Nik, you have to let this go. Go out with the Salvatores. Get a fresh drink or something."

"I do not want to do either of those things."

Rebekah hops off of the footrest, then walks toward the curtain-drawn window.

"Well, why don't you do whatever it is you used to? Like paint, or read, or watch some documentary about King Henry VIII." She smirks as she pulls the curtains apart.

"I can't."

"Why not, Nik? You act like Caroline not talking to you is the end of the world—"

I interrupt Rebekah without a second thought. I immediately regret it.

"Without Caroline, what do I have Rebekah? What do I have as an incentive to keep me human? To keep me from being the monster I really am?"

Rebekah's face visibly falls as she turns toward me.

"I thought you knew that you had me, Nik." Her voice trembles as she begins to walk to the doorway, then pauses. "I guess Always and Forever just isn't enough for you, is it?"

Before I can respond, I hear the sound of the front door closing behind her. I grab my sketchbook off of my night stand, and then sit back in my bed. I begin to sketch as my mind wanders back to a time where humanity was something I wanted no part of.

I look over at the dim calendar hanging on the wall as the bartender pulls off yesterday's date; revealing today's. Another day lived. Another day gone. Although after a while, it all seems to run together. Birthdays are celebrated, anniversaries are acknowledged, ages are still recognized, but what about those who live forever?

As those celebratory things seem to fade into the darkness, you begin to realize just how supernatural you really are.

"Having a slow night?" I ask the female behind the counter.

She automatically smirks at me. Her lust is sickeningly tangible. For her to be lusting for someone like myself is unforgivable, but as the situation has it, she won't be around much longer to expect forgiveness.

"Yes. Very slow. But if having a slow night means you'll come here more often, I welcome more slow nights in the future." She smirks as she moves her auburn hair behind her right ear; unknowingly offering her neck to me.

I lean over my drink, and she leans toward me without any persuading.

"I can get off of my shift early for you tonight, honey. How about you wait for me? It'll only be about ten minutes. Then, we can go have some fun."

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